Nonsense makes sense to me. Eggplant.

Sometimes you just love a song. You love the music and the way the words sound and flow. You don’t even care what they mean. And sometimes it’s even a song where you can understand the lyrics but you still just don’t know what in the world the guys were thinking when they wrote.

Eggplant by Train is one of those songs. I have always called it Eggplant and Caviar. Why? I just think it sounds cool. And, well that’s part of the lyrics.train song

If you look around you don’t really find an explanation of this song by the boys in the band. And some people have just looked at the lyrics and nonsense.  Being that I love nonsensical things at times, or at least writing it, I get the song.

Egglant and Caviar for you. One of the lines, a repetitive line. The repetitive line. Exotic things that many consider, at least young people consider to be expensive and of a higher taste of foods. Fancy if you want to get downright common about it.

When I think of this song I think there is obviously someone this guy just really loved and felt so into in that moment while writing the song that the words just flowed. This is poetry, pure and simple. Words like that aren’t made up. They. Just. Happen. Trust me on this one.

I see the imagery created by the pairing of words to be one completing the other or giving the other purpose. Each one is the reason for the existence of the other and the purpose of each. It’s all in there.

Call me crazy but, I. Just. Get. It.

Guys, if you are in love for real. Listen to this and you’ll get it. Ladies, you will to and this is the stupidness we want to say but are to self conscious to do so because we know it just sounds out there.

Train has a lot of great songs. But I think this one is my favorite. It’s funky. It’s out there. But it says it all.

Scarlet your eyes, cover your face
If I could dance, or stay in this place
I would be King and you would be mine
I would be day and you would be time
Eggplant and Caviar for you
For you for you for you
Eggplant and Caviar for you
Hold up my wings cause you are the sky
Paint me by numbers and don’t ask me why
Cause I am in bloom and you are perfume
And you are perfume and you are
Eggplant and Caviar for you
For you for you for you
Eggplant and Caviar for you
For you for you for you – ah
Apple Pie or Apple seed,
All the mouths that I must feed
Cold sheets or Tumble weed
All the ones that I must need
I would be King and you would be mine
I would be nine and you would be Mother Time
Eggplant and Caviar for you, for you, for you
Apple Pie or Apple seed,
All the mouths that I must feed
Cold sheets or Tumble weed
All the ones that I must need
All the ones that I must need





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9 thoughts on “Nonsense makes sense to me. Eggplant.

    • I’ve seen them two or three times in concert. Once at a place in Atlanta called The Tabernacle that actually burned not long ago. Two hours of standing on hard floor that sloped down to the stage. Great concert cause you were so close to them, but man was it painful.


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