Blogging Personality: The Key to Success.

blogging-personalityThere is something that I believe has been overlooked in the Blogger Community. The Blogger Personality. What key role does Personality play in the success of a blog? We’ll get to that shortly.

I want to mention a few Blogs I see as Successful. Before I do, do not confuse large numbers of Followers with success. Once you do that you head down a path that leads to a never to be satisfying Blog World experience.


  • People Follow you Hoping you will Follow them.
  • People stop reading your work and just don’t stop Following you.
  • People aren’t really part of your Blog World except for a number.
  • If numbers and not activity are your idea of success, then be prepared for some anxiety.

Let’s then define Blog Success. I see Blog Success as a Blog that;

  • Keeps its Readers coming back for more.
  • Keeps its Readers entertained.
  • Keeps its Readers engaged.

Notice the the three common words, ‘Keeps Its Reader’.

You may have 10,000 Followers but only 50 actually show up or even engage in your Blog. 50 is a good number to have show up daily, but if you look at the percentage of the Followers, something isn’t being Successful.

SuzieThe Matter-of-Fact personality: Suzie of Suzie81Speaks has this personality in her Blog. She combines it with just enough humor to make it all work together. Suzie was one of my earliest friends in Blog World. She may very well be the longest surviving one. Having been one of my first interviews ever I learned that what you see is what she is. 

The Humble-and-Helpful personality: Chris Graham the Story chris_the_story_reading_ape.jpgReading Ape. One click to his Blog and you know there is not a single thing about his blog that is about him. The Blog is devoted to helping others with their careers. Having interviewed Chris I can tell you the Blog Personality you see is the Life Personality he is.

Jo Robinson (2)The Devoted-to-Their-Craft personality: Jo Robinson of Africolonial Stories/Jo Robinson, or at least that’s how I am spelling it today, is an Author who does something many Authors might not do. She shares her space with other Author Bloggers. When you go to her Blog you may not see a personally written piece from her for several Posts. That’s Jo. Yes, I’ve interviewed Jo and worked with Jo and that’s Jo.

The Caring-for-Their-Friends-and-Fun-Loving personality:  Anyone Hugh Loadedhaving visited and or had interactions with Hugh Roberts of Hugh’s Views & News knows he is the epitome of this personality. Hugh has been interviewed by me and works with me as well. He’s for real.

I used examples of people I know personally to show you the genuine personalities it takes to have success. People can take on a personality for a Blog but eventually it breaks down. You will see the cracks form and you will leave that blog.

There are many other personalities and names I could have mentioned. No one was excluded to be slighted. Perhaps I will do further Blog Personalities in the future.

Each personality is different and neither of the four could do a Blog like the other. Chris and Jo are similar in their author support but then selection of Posts and writing of Posts are different. The backbone of purpose is different. You would need to read of them in order to understand.

For every Extroverted personality there are at least 100 Introverted ones. Often times those Introverts overcome their shyness in order to Reply to Comments or more often click Like on a Post of a friend.

For the Introverted Blogger the mere process of Blogging itself is a huge accomplishment. Sharing held in thoughts and creations with the world is something very therapeutic and very scary at the same time. Exposing rawness with the world with the possibility of harsh or cruel feedback is a chest tightening moment as the Introvert clicks Publish.

I appear to be an Extrovert in many ways but really I’m an Introvert in the biggest possible way you can imagine. But why should that have anything to do with how a Blog, my Blog operates? Or how should it influence what my Blog is?

I’ve written a great deal about how interaction with Readers is essential to Blog success. Well, I am not a big interactions person. I was at one point but in truth it was something I seriously had to push myself to do. That is one reason I don’t expect every Blogger to be the same.

Let’s look at Commenting and Replying. This is a huge area of possible disconnect and either a win or lose with a reader. If you reply to a comment and make it personal then there is a connection, maybe. If you don’t reply then you may not have that reader return. Some people almost insist on a reply to their comment.

Unfortunately I personally am not that great at replying these days. Does that make me a bad blogger or mean I am unappreciative? Does that make you that way?

For some that would be a yes. Various Bloggers have an opinion on the matter and are willing to share it, quite loudly. “If you don’t reply or comment then you suck as a blogger and don’t deserve Followers.”

In that case, “Hello, my name is Suck, you may unFollow me now.”

However, I believe my Reader Friends know me. My personality comes through in the Content, the Writing on my Blog. Part of that personality is one that deals with very deep emotional feelings. I share that in all its rawness in my poetry and even in commentary of letters I write.

Those who appreciate what I have done know how much that takes out of a person. They aren’t just words put out there. There are poems I have written where I agonize through every word and am a wreck for days following.

I would like to Reply to Comments on poems like that but sometimes I am not sure how and am not mentally able to. A ‘Thank you’ is sometimes all I manage, but I am not certain if that is enough considering what some people write. I click Like on their Comment to at least show I have read and appreciate what they have said.

For me when I see someone’s heart and soul laid bare for all to see, I appreciate it. I understand what they have done. I don’t do it myself in order to have people Comment. I want them to enjoy it,yes, take something from it, yes, but I am not demanding a Comment. Nor do I expect a demand of a Reply. My wish is for them to return another time and see what else I have to share with them.

What makes a Blog a success is what a Blogger puts into their Blog. You can use all the technical aspects to bring more people TO your Blog but it’s YOUR PERSONALITY through your words in what you write that keeps them coming back.

For more about the Blog World, I would recommend reading How to Survive the Blog Life.


Ronovan Writes


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75 thoughts on “Blogging Personality: The Key to Success.

  1. Thank you!!! Being an extreme introvert, I’m so happy that you address that aspect of blogging. Comments and replies can be trying for me and it helps to know that there is at least one other blogger out there who understands all the hidden dynamics that go into blogging for an introvert. 🙂

    I really do appreeciate every like because I know that the reader could have just as easily not clicked on it.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. 🙂 Well I’m the same. It may not be obvious when someone reads my blog but i’m an extreme introvert. However I’m lucky that I do have an engaging personality. When I’ve connected to a certain blog / blogger I’m able to leave long comments or at least some kind of comments, like I usually do on your blogs.

    “Exposing rawness with the world with the possibility of harsh or cruel feedback is a chest tightening moment as the Introvert clicks Publish.”
    Oh yea, I can really relate to that. I had hate mail some time ago, and I was almost compleetly crushed at first, when I decided to look at it from a positive light. But doing that was not easy on my behalf.

    I can’t do this on all blogs, because first you need to be able to read a certain blog style. It is not always easy to me. In fact sometimes it is very difficuilt. I get people requesting me to read their blog, and that is just so hard, but hey I try.

    When people leave comments on my blog I try my utmost best to repy to each comment. I think I have about 80% success rate in this. Even if it is only to say thank you or put a smile in the comment.

    All the blogs you have mentioned above are excellent examples, although I’m still getting used to Chris’s blog. And now that I’ve started getting used to Hugh’s blog i must say i really miss his posts when they don’t appear in my reader for the day. He has such a wonderful happy maner, you just got to love the guy.

    I was just thinking of writing a similar article for my own blog for my blog feature on blogging… 🙂 Excellent post Ron. I really always enjoy reading everything you put out here, and on your other blogs. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Great post, Ronovan. Do you realize how scary it is for an introvert blogger to be told it’s their personality that counts lol. I didn’t used to reply to every single comment but tried to reply to most and one busy day someone I was in awe of came to my blog and I was in the middle of something crazy and had already replied to tones of comments that day. I didn’t reply in the end, possibly not to sound like a fan girl but it didn’t come across like that an they never returned. I am friendly with her elsewhere but because of that I’m more inclined to try and respond to everything now. I always see blogs like someone popping in for tea and Twitter like a bar. Do you agree?

    Liked by 1 person

      • For sure. I could also add that joining all sorts of new groups and maybe leaving others has a huge effect too. I don’t write picture books anymore so there was a drop off there and now I draw. Lots of changes isn’t always a good thing for blogging.


    • I seem to get more feedback on Twitter than I do my blog, for some reason. I very infrequently get comments at my blog- I get maybe 2 or 3, and this is over a period of eleven years. Y’know, starting from when before Twitter was even a thing.

      Liked by 1 person

        • My lack of replies has been consistent for at least 11 years, Ronovan. Apparently, I don’t write the things that people find engaging. I think someone said something vaguely like I was writing too deep.

          But I’m a survivor of abuse. Writing everyday stuff is sometimes incredibly painful. I get the impression few even care.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Ah. It may be that you and those who read your work share more than you think and they just don’t comment. As long as they are showing up, that’s what counts. I’m pleased with comments by as long as I know people are seeing my work, whatever it may be, is what matters. Well actually me just doing my thing is what matters, the people seeing it is second.


            • Nah, I don’t think so, Ronovan. My stats have been pretty dismal for several years now. I have about as many “Likes” as I do comments.

              And sharing? Nope, last notification I got of that sort was some sort of family drama over something I said that was obscure (for some reason my blog kept getting referred to as “on Facebook”. The family member who notified me eventually decided (after I dug and hunted for a long while) that it was mountains out of molehills.

              Maybe it’s that I participate in at least 3 Twitter chats- which can be as high as 5 or 6. Generally speaking, I know right away if my tweets have been read– common practice is to Favorite, then maybe RT. I see no such feedback here on my blog.
              And I still have little idea why. Maybe my “tribe” is mostly on Twitter. Anyone who makes their presence known to me seems to know by way of it.

              Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    There are many ways to share your appreciation of other bloggers and their work… people are guided by the connection they feel with the writing and the writer… great choice of people to use as illustration of the point… I am an extrovert and a performer so love the interaction but I appreciate that others are more introverted and enjoy quieter praise… great article.


  5. Great post! So much truth in what you say. When I first started blogging, I was terrified to interact with others, being an extroverted introvert/introvert extrovert. It took a long time to get the courage to engage with others through comments. But people like you and Chris really helped me feel confident to come out . . . now readers know me as a very engaging and exciting person, which is how my friends know me in real life. It’s comforting to know it does get better. I have several friends who still struggle with the social aspect of social media because they are afraid. I’ll share this article with them. Happy Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A post to remind me to be honest with my readers. Often I don’t get to reply to comments simply because I am not home or near a computer. As an introvert I love blogging as it continually pushes me forward into a world I might hide away from.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. An excellent post Ron. You made perfect choices as examples of top bloggers and explained why nicely. You also gave a perfect explanation of the Introverted Blogger who is often misunderstood but hopefully less so now.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Very well said. When I started my blog I made a point to say I did not care about comments and most likely I would not respond. You can still find that on my “Intent” page. Then I started catching myself wanting to respond to comments. Often this would not have been a good idea. But I have started to try to comment, without letting some of my less desirable traits show through. Maybe I will continue, maybe not, that is my personality. I dig your prompts and your desire to help promote people and their work. Continue on good sir, continue on. (Oh yeah, you don’t have to respond)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I once had a successful blog, but got so overwhelmed with the pressure to connect, comment, and reply that I had to give it up. I’m a level ten introvert. I’m trying to get back into blogging. I appreciate your blog, but never feel like you have to reply to my comments.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Wise and true advice. The same as the personality of the blogger, the personality of the reader will also determine what style they choose. We can but do our best. Great list of bloggers and all very different


  11. A great post – and a fine sample of blogger examples. To me, it’s all about connecting with people. I handle my blog like I would a cocktail party or an after-work drink. Mingle with people, chat, make new friends. “Success” in the form of increasing followers or likes is never on my mind, although it does seem to flow naturally from my approach. In the end, it’s all about being real, as you so rightly point out.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. You know, this is something I hadn’t given much thought to, but the bloggers I follow do all have distinct personalities that come through their posts. Not sure how mine fares, I’m working on it. It was easier when I was teaching – so much easier face to face.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You’re just awesome Ron. Your heart is the size of the world. I reckon I would class myself as a grade A introvert – or maybe a coward. When I started out blogging I was terrified of commenting on anything just in case I was joining in where I wasn’t welcome and being ignored. My first online experiences with Facebook got me a troll of the first order, even before I’d published, and that fear still lingers (only on FB), but not so much anymore. I do love to share the news of my blogger tribe – reblogging is a great way to include more lovely people in our tribe, but I do try not to over reblog, so I choose carefully. Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and kindness with us my wonderful friend. In your words – with much respect. And mine – MWAH! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Reblogged this on Jo Robinson and commented:
    Wise words from my dear friend and creator of Lit World Interviews, and many many thanks for including me in your post. If you want to know what real, good blogging is all about, Ronovan has the experience and he’s happy to share with all of us.


  15. Hi. First time caller; long time fan. I think another important way to show your personality is by leaving thoughtful and genuine comments on other people’s interesting posts (ha! See what I did there?). I think Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News is extremely good at this.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Well, this is awesome. I agree about the personality, and especially about the importance of it being genuine. Hopefully mine comes through.

    On the issue of answering comments: I would never say a blogger sucks if they don’t, but I do find that answering them — especially the first one and ones from people who only stop by occasionally — encourages people to comment more.

    I try to answer all of mine, but I miss some. And I have a fairly small audience at this point. Engagement is the most important measure of success for me. I like the numbers, but busy threads and friends who are familiar with one another chattering with one another are the gold standard for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This is wonderful! There are followers on the girls blog that have followed them from the beginning and have been very encouraging but without the comments something would have gone a miss. You are right…it is the personality.


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