I’m being Interviewed TODAY, live on radio by @YouAreTheExpert You never know what I might say.

I’m being interviewed by

Annette Rochelle Aben


on the live blog talk radio show

Tell Me a Story


The Magic Happens.


Friday February 6th from 1:30-2:30 PM EST.


That’s right, 30 minutes of me live and unscripted. And I have no idea what she is going to ask. And with me unfiltered you know anything could happen.

Click the link below for details.


Here’s the the show so you can listen to it when you have the time if you like.


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15 thoughts on “I’m being Interviewed TODAY, live on radio by @YouAreTheExpert You never know what I might say.

  1. Just for once, by glorious coincidence, I read this 2 minutes before the interview started… for the first time EVER I got to listen to a live show, and man… was it worth it! That was great;Ron, you sounded so relaxed. I quite often write ‘LOL’ when I’m really only LOLing in my mind but ,today, I really did laugh. And listen. And think.

    Great interview! I am so glad I caught it live. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

      • It certainly did make sense. I learned something really important too… submerging yourself into your characters to feel as they feel and react as they would react. Not sure why I didn’t consider this before, especially as I’m one of those types of actors who becomes the character. I will make a point now to bring that into my writing.


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