Lonely lay the heart. (A poem.)

Lonely lay the heart of the man, under the feet of love’s caravan.
Through sands of burning glass, to the brittle savanna’s finger grass.
Cutting and scratching for a hole of entry, fighting against a time tested sentry.
Lonely lay the heart of the man, in search of the tenderness of his love’s hand.

A whisper of a word begins the stir of change, as rumblings sound throughout the range.
Shattering boundaries and crossing borders, the word on her lips destroys the stone’s engraved orders.
Raging seas roll within his confines, thoughts racing and winding about building for her shrines.
A whisper of a word begins the stir of change, in search to burst the heart beat of the one to whom love is so strange.

Fire burns through granite of the hardest find, intent on finding the only one for his kind.
What was once a shadow of mindless raving, now is pulsating with the blood of a lifetime’s craving.
With the wind now blowing to fan the flame, neither the source or the man will ever be the same.
Fire burns through granite of the hardest find, molten like lava to burn her image in his mind.


Much Love, Success, and Respect


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