Thanks, a warning, and Wednesday is Coming.

Howdy Y’all,
I just wanted to let everyone know that I hope not to be doing a ton of book promotion here on my blog site. I do have a responsibility to do everything in my abilities to help make this book successful. When you have a co-author, it isn’t all about you. PS Bartlett and I both agree we do this for the joy of writing and the knowledge that people are reading and enjoying our book. If all we make is the cost of doing the book, okay. (Sure, we want it to be a top seller, but as long as you aren’t losing money on something and doing what you love, you can breathe a little deeper.)

A lot of what I’ll be sharing are blogs I am doing on other sites as a guest. Some of these are How To articles we can all use. I enjoyed doing them because they made me walk through the process and thus see it more clearly myself.

I’ll keep mixing in the usual, and hopefully some unusual. Look for a special interviewer that will be popping in to interview me about the book. Don’t worry, I think you’ll enjoy it. He’s not your everyday ordinary type of interviewer.

I have been getting a good deal of praise for my storytelling and character development from those who have read the book. I’m going to be honest here, I worked hard and I am proud of those words of encouragement in the reviews. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned is how well PS Bartlett did in coming in behind me, once I completed the initial drafts, yes I said drafts, I did so many that I lost count, all in about 5 weeks, but Blonde Bartlett the Sea Siren took what I did and was able to give it her touches, tighten it up where needed, and add the appropriate ship and pirate jargon required while keeping the book a fairly smooth read. Okay, so I did throw in one heck of a storm in there that wasn’t so smooth for poor old Captain Gabriel Wallace, but it served its purpose. So here now I say thank you to Bartlett for depending on and trusting in me to create a story and characters that end up playing such an important part in her world of pirates. I thank you for giving me free rein to do all I wanted to do and more.

If you enjoy the cover of Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling, Bartlett is the creator thereof, and is beginning to work as a book cover creator for other authors. You can contact her through her site if you wish.

For those of you have purchased my book, thank you so much. Some of you have mentioned it, only as a way of showing your support. I know you are not mentioning it to point out you purchased it. I can’t think of a single one of the people that speak up, read, or participate here on RW that does anything to gain attention for the self. We are truly a big happy family of bloggers from all over the world.

If you do read the book and like it, please put up a review on Amazon. If you don’t like it, I sincerely ask you to email me submit your opinions and concerns through my Contact Form on my About Page. I may not take your advice, but I will take it into consideration.

Also if you do purchase the book, if you’ll take your photo with it, either up on your Kindle or with the paperback and email the photo to me at ronovanwrites (at) gmail (dot) com, I would like to share it with everyone, maybe on a page of my author site or something like that. If you don’t, don’t worry about it. This is just an idea I got while I was writing this. I am a bit random at times.

Much Respect

BeWoW and Writer's Quote Wednesday

Remember Wednesday is Writer’s Quote Wednesday on with Colleen Chesebro and #BeWoW here on RW. I combine the two by coming up with a positive quote or series of quotes to share about a person who has done something good in the world or been a positive influence. #BeWoW stands for Be Writing on Wednesday to Be Wonderful on Wednesday. A day of sharing positivity instead of negativity. Colleen and I each share a post, and all you do is either paste your link in our comments, or link back to our posts. With mine, you tweet with the Hashtag of #BeWoW and people should RT your tweets.

Below is the link back to my post for Wednesday.


Amber Wake

15 thoughts on “Thanks, a warning, and Wednesday is Coming.

  1. Thank you for your disclaimer, Ronovan. I am sensitive to the fine line you must be walking: on the one hand, you have many following you; on the other, you have just released your first book, which is extremely exciting! It’d be dang hard to hold back your justifiable enthusiasm for this, an important stretch of your life’s path, so I, for one, encourage you to share here whatever is in play! I’m excited for you, too!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you. I just feel a bit strange as if I am like force my book onto people’s radar. I know its what to do with a blog, but I don’t want it to be so much it runs people off. So I’m going to attempt to be creative with it and selective.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I cannot wait to read it! Being out of the loop, as I am lately, I thought it had not been released yet. (Yes, I am THAT far out of the loop!) It’s traveling to my Kindle over that mysterious Amazon Whispernet as I type. Congratulations to you both! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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