Kindness is my Comfort Zone.

Kindness is a buzzword now. I think some people don’t even realize what it really means, or how to live by it. Sometimes we think we’re doing a kindness and it’s really just something we’re supposed to do in the first place. So what is kindness? Is it different for each person based on what they believe or how they grew up or their current life? In a way, I believe if we all did as we should, kindness wouldn’t even be a word. What do you think Kindness is? Share a Kindness post with  us today in the comments and maybe someone will click that link and benefit from your view or image or an experience you share. I’ll be doing this each Thursday as health permits mainly to remind myself that kindness exists in the world. Oh, and follow me on Instagram as this is my first image to ever share as I have had the account for several years now but never had anything to share. @ronovanwhester  Share the image if you would like.


Kindness is my Comfort Zone image.

6 thoughts on “Kindness is my Comfort Zone.

  1. I’m glad you mentioned that kindness has become a buzz word, as that’s my feeling–it has no real meaning anymore. I don’t like it when bloggers thank me for my “kind words” re their posts…I reply that my comments are 100% sincere, as “kind” suggests I’m just being polite… Blessings to you today.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Ronovanwrite’s has come up with a beautiful idea for a Thursday Post. He would like us to think about what Kindness means to us. What do we see as real kindness. Now I did not see his prompt until late this evening but I have thought and remembered this post. It is about how a complete stranger helped my brother and his daughter out. Thank you Ronovan for this lovely idea. He has name it Kindness is my Comfort Zone. […]


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