#RWThe13WritingChallenge Collected.

The first #RWThe13WritingChallenge has been completed. A spooky time and we had four participants. Not bad for a first-time event. And I have to say it was a rather poorly put together challenge. My challenges never go well the first time around. It usually takes a couple of times to get them smoothed out. So just think, two years from now, I might have put it out there the right way.

halloween challenge collected image

Thanks to those participating. Please visit and read their work. If you still want to give it a go now, just write something that has one of the following word counts:


It can be poetry or prose. Pingback or copy and paste a link in the comments below.

EASTELMHURST.A.GO.GO: Choose Wisely Left, right, fragrant, or familiar?

Frank Hubeny | Poetry, Short Prose and Walking:  Draining the Swamp  Not sure who voted for who but apparently the raucous rabble-rousers in this piece aren’t happy about it.

Arthur Richardson: Closing Time  Dymond goes pubbing on All Hallow’s Eve. Pint or punt? He might need to think quickly.

Ronovan Writes: Dance Till Dawn A little poem about the devil and the myth that was told.


Late to the party but here nonetheless

Alice | Malham Magna: World Peace Not fiction, I hope, but 13 words of what should be relatable for everyone.



Orange Letter with qwill and ink on black background.

Ronovan Writes The13 Writing Challenge

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