Stand up for yourself. #Poetry

Stand up for yourself, because no one else will.
If you truly believe what you believe then have resolve of steel.
Don’t worry about people and what they may think.
If they love you for you then they won’t even blink.

Things are important in this day and age.
We don’t have those heaven wise men, a guru, a sage.
Don’t let fear conquer your heart and your mind.
Stand up for yourself and be one of a kind.

Hate, ridicule, may follow your each and every word.
But to you and yourself at least you will have been heard.

Much Love, Success, and Respect

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What’s a Taboo to do? Do you click ‘like’ on Taboo articles?

Speak no See no Hear no Evil Stuffed Monkeys

What’s a Taboo to do? Do you click ‘like’ on Taboo articles?

 by: Ronovan

Wow, that was so amazing but I don’t want people to know I read that. Admit it, that’s come to your mind before. You may have quickly overcome it but it’s been there. I read a very short piece that was sexual I nature but there was no sex. It was hilarious and a part of it was so surprising and different that I was impressed. But if I clicked ‘like’ then people would know I read it AND liked it.


What’s a poor introverted gentleman to do?


To some of you it’s a no-brainer. “Just click like, you wimp,” you are saying. “You hypocrite, if you like it then like it.” True, very true, every word of it. I usually do end up with the click. But I put a lot of thought into it. One thing it normally comes down to is;


Why did the person write the piece?


I am not into people who write to capitalize on something, or write to simply draw hits. If then I think the piece was written for that reason then I don’t tend to ‘like’ it. Traffic on one’s site is the important factor for most, although the ‘likes’ are the encouraging nudges.


But back to the point, should we be embarrassed? I am of the mind that writing is an art form. If someone brushes letters onto their page and creates a tasteful picture on their page then ‘like’ it. As an artist, and as an author who creates imagery with your words you are an artist, you cannot be embarrassed by things.


I am not saying to out and ‘like’ everything that comes along just because you find it amusing. Like it because it brought something to you, be it thought, humor, that ah ha moment, inspiration, whatever it is.


And one last thing; in poetry you may be misinterpreting the meaning of the words in the first place. I have poems that have received a few likes. I know the meanings, no they are not weird twisted meanings, but the words could be seen to have different meanings when I looked back at them. It wasn’t intentional, but just happened.


Are you embarrassed? If so what types of things embarrass you or what do you do when faced with that moment of “This is incredible!”?


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