RonovanWrites Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt Challenge #28 Pop&Fail

ronovan-writes-haiku-challenge-shadowYes, the image has changed. At least it has for this week. I am playing around a little with different things and kind of liked this for the moment. Use whichever you like though.


Challenge Number


Yes, dear hearts, we are gathered here today to celebrate this thing called life. And as a part of that celebration I wish to impart upon you a massive headache the size of the country with no borders far to the south, yes, Straya. With that in mind I give the words of which you seek.

Pop & Fail

My Example

Pop goes the weasel,

Chased by an insane monkey,

My meds a huge fail.

The prompt words were inspired by randomness but I know where they came from but where do they take you? As for the Haiku? An old rhyme and how my head feels a great deal of the time. Sometimes there is an elephant with a mallet thought. But elephant didn’t fit the Haiku or the syllables.

Is this your first time visiting our humble cabode, community abode that is? Read on and you will find the details of things like how to submit, the Haiku, not yourself, and when the deadline is. Don’t worry, I am not always this insane but a boy’s just gotta have fun. Don’t make my go Lauper on you. Sad to say some might not get that joke music reference.

The Deadline is Sunday by Noon, EST, or New York Time to people like me that just have no clue about time zones.

Haiku is simple and simply addictive. So be warned now. Once you start it’s difficult to stop. Here are two things to know:

  1. Haiku can be broken into two sentences with the middle line of the three lines being the commonly used part, meaning 1&2 and 2&3 making sentences. That’s Haiku.
  2. Opposite meanings in the first and last sentences. That’s Haiku.

Then simply put a link to your Haiku in the comments of this Post and I’ll go look, as will others. The link is the URL. You can also do a PingBack. That’s when you put the URL of this post in your post. Don’t know how to do a Pingback. Click here to find out how.

For a full refresher or How to write Haiku in English click here. But you can use whatever Haiku style you want to. As long as you, do a Haiku.

For Tips and Guidelines refreshers click here.

If you have a Twitter and your handle has not appeared in a ReCap of a previous challenge, please let me know what it is so when I Tweet the ReCap on Sundays I may include it.


 DEADLINE: Noon on Sunday New York Time.

(I hate doing deadlines, but it takes quite a while to complete the ReCap.)

There are TWO “A RONOVAN’S CHOICE!” recipients each week. One for Humor and one for something more Serious. The Haiku are quite good each week and I am having to turn to the structure guidelines of a Haiku at times to help determine my selection.

Really each Haiku is a choice of mine, and I’m not just saying that, so I feel a bit odd even having something called A RONOVAN’S CHOICE, but hey, it’s a thing, right? And it does make it kind of fun.

ronovan writes humor haiku badgeronovan-writes-serious-haiku-badgeserious haiku badge








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