RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #70 Crane&Gold

It’s THESAURUS time. No, that’s not a new character in the next Jurassic Park movie. For Crane click HERE and Gold click HERE. You don’t HAVE to use a synonym but if you get stuck, go for it, get wild, get crazy, go out on a crane limb for a pot of gold. And remember, scroll all the way down that page when you go to it, there are words all the way at the bottom to use.

Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge

Challenge #70

The rules are simple.

  • Take the two words and write a Haiku. I use Haiku in English as my style, which is 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the third, but you can use what you like. For syllable help visit
  • The two words can be used as you like. Words have different definitions and you can use the definitions you like. You can even use a synonym word as long as it does not change the meaning. Go to for Synonym help.
  • Copy the link of your finished haiku URL  in a comment so we can all go and visit your site to see what you have done. I will comment on your site. You can do a ping back. What’s a ping back? Put a link back to this prompt page, if you like within your post, as long as it does not take away from your haiku. This is simply a prompt and challenge to encourage people to try Haiku and give some a prompt and a place to share in comments so we can find each other. A link in your post does give others a chance to find us and join in. Use one of the two below if you like.
  • Ping back Link
  • Non Ping back Link
  • You may copy one of the badges/images appearing in this post below or above and place it on your site if you wish, most normally use it within their post. I am not saying you need to, but if you would like to do so then go ahead. It is simply my way of saying thank you for participating. I sometimes make custom images for the week, if time and health permits.
  • The Challenge is currently posted at 8 AM New York City time on Mondays to give people a better chance than the old 9 AM time.
  • Deadline is Noon New York City time on the Sunday following the Challenge Post release.


The Challenge Words!

Crane & Gold

Not sure how to write a Haiku? Click HERE for a quick How to write Haiku Poem in English Form.

Much Respect-Much Love


Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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64 thoughts on “RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #70 Crane&Gold

      • Ronovan —- Last night I decided that I would brainstorm some haiku prompt words to suggest to you. After an unproductive hour I gave up. My failed attempt perfectly illustrated the tremendous value and joy your weekly prompts bring to me (and I’m sure many others). I understand the commitment you’ve made to this group of literary fanatics and I want to be sure you know I appreciate the work (not an overstatement) you do moderating this event! Because I know I don’t say this enough to you – let me say thank you for the pleasure you bring to my week!

        Liked by 6 people

    • A good use of the prompt words. And when I commented about repetitive I was not meaning that in a bad way. I was just surprised how you don’t notice the use of the same words in four haiku. So great of a story. Excellent.


  1. “The Golden Palm Weaver’s Domestic Chores” –

    Thinking of domestic chores, today, in preparation for winter, as I logged in to discover the haiku prompt. Birds, of course! Birds are most interesting during breeding season, and so I found a golden bird to inform this week’s haiku.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] This is my response to RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge 70 Crane&Gold. This weekly challenge to haiku creators comes up with some incredible haiku. To see this weeks look here… […]


    • Well, I hate to say it but some people have no clue what a thesaurus is. I’ve done enough book reviews now to be sick of some words used over and over and over and over and over … at this point I realized I could’ve copied and pasted the and over part but didn’t. O,O


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