A Foolish Vow: a Décima Poem.

My entry for this weeks Décima Poetry Challenge No. 6 EYE. (A New Challenge here on ronovanwrites.com)

A Foolish Vow

Threading his way through the thick crowd,
he takes pains to draw not an eye.
For which of these could be their spy?
His escape must not be allowed,
as to their master they have vowed,
if not alive … then severed head?
Would a bloodied corpse do instead?
But their mission will bring but pain,
cause each life will drain from each vein.
With their fate no tears will be shed.

To scene before this one, click for “Gypsy Guest: a Décima Poem.”

© 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

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