Virtual Blog Tour brought to you by the letter K or maybe D? Hmm…





I got selected for a Virtual Blog Tour by a very special lady. I’ve grown fond of her being around of late and enjoy each time I see the star light up at the top of the screen and see it’s her. (I feel the same about you too, Hugh, so stop pouting.)

Katherine of Dandelion Fuzz kat

I guess just went blank when it came time for her second choice and I happened to be on her reader. What a great supporter of my blog and what I do. Such a great addition to my little world.



Look at this big empty space. It’s like a clean dry erase board in schools these days.  For those of you my age, think chalkboard but with like markers and a white board you can wipe things off of.



What am I working on?

Everyone’s last nerve. No, seriously, I want to be a dentist. No actually the only nerve I think I am working is my own. I am slowly working on a Romance novel revision. I think it’s going to have to take priority soon, which means less blogging. I keep saying that but I keep meaning it.

The big thing I am working on now is a new site called Lit World Interviews which I created as a way to give authors a place to have an interview to use for their sites and press packets but to also spread their names. I’ve been fortunate to have some great people agree to interviews so far but I think my biggest break has been one of those authors, Jo Robinson agreeing to join the LitWorldInterviews Team as an expert in self publishing and writing advice.


How does my blog differ from others in its genre?

I really don’t know if my blog has a genre, not RonovanWrites that is. If I think it I write it. It doesn’t mean it always works but I enjoy doing it, and that’s what we should all remember what a blog is about. I think I do like to support other bloggers that might fall between the cracks at times. I’m not afraid to say I enjoy a person’s writing even if their site my be a little different than my normal viewing. You get what you want out of a blog you visit. That’s one thing I enjoy about visiting blogs, I can pick and choose what I want to see. And I don’t judge. Some people just like to write some different things. Maybe not my deal but excellent writing itself.

I also think there is a bit of a community thing I’ve tried to build up. Also I think some friendships I’ve made have been good for the blog in sharing each others space. Hugh Roberts of Hugh’s Views &News is one and Amanda Lyle of insidethelifeofmoi is the other that immediately come to mind.

My tips I share are a bit more, well they’re very detailed in instructions about how to do certain things but I try to put them in a language and a way that anyone can use them. Even when talking about Search Engine Optimization, SEO, I describe things in a way that is easy to understand, or I hope so. One recent article got picked up by site that deals in such things and that was a bit gratifying. I don’t normally talk about it when my work gets picked up but I enjoyed that one quite a bit.

Why do I create what I do?

I have to create or I go slightly crazy. I have all these emotions and thoughts inside that if they don’t come out I will explode. Romance has really hit me hard this past year. Putting my heart into something and sharing it from a man’s thoughts seemed a bit unusual to me. I mean really sharing the deep things. I do it on my site quite often. I’m not sure what kind of image that relays, but you gotta be yourself, right?

I had one person say something like I might be like contributing to a gender war because I support women so much on my site and might come off as bashing men. I would really like to see anyone find anything untrue that I’ve said. I usually give a good and bad side to things. My serious things don’t go over well. I guess people that read me go for my lighter stuff. I don’t know really. That does sadden me a bit as I really would like to share more things that I feel a bit passionate about but I don’t want to turn people away either. I enjoy my friends here.

How does your creative process work?

I think it then I write it. A poem for me takes about 10 minutes max to write. For those I just like to have it quite, calm, settled and then I open myself up and let the words come out. I usually close my eyes so nothing interferes with the images in my head or influences the feelings coming out.

I’ve started digging deeper for my poetry. I don’t think I’ve gone much below the surface of what I feel yet. I’m still trying and some day I’ll make it. There’s a certain level of fear you need to get over to dig those things you bury to protect.

I love writing novels about whatever. Like a teen girl traipsing through some wild places looking for the solution to a mystery, to a future world where the earth has been contaminated and there is an alternate form of living. But Romance is king at the moment.

What is a quote or two that sums you up?

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of all those who believe, first the Jew and then the Gentile.”-Romans 1:16

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31

There might be a word different here or there from the original as I am doing that from memory. There are some things that never leave you.


Now I get to choose two people to pass the torch to.

I think I’ll choose my buddy Hugh of Hugh’s Views and News.


What can I say about Hugh that will sum him up? Madness. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I enjoy madness. I told Hugh not long ago that he is one of the best friends I have, period. He’s a great guy. He writes everything, random like I am. Hmm . . . we both like Oreos. I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Love those cream filled cookies/biscuits/whatever. He’s British, as I learned is the proper way to refer to someone over yonder across the pond. But seriously, Hugh’s a lovely guy that everyone really adores when the get to know him.


Second I’ll choose Kate of Dazzling Whimsy.

KateKate’s an actual friend of mine I’ve known for years. She has three great kids that I love to pieces. I claim her daughters as mine. It’s not like they can hit me or anything, we live several states apart. Kate’s site is filled with photography. I know you’re thinking all those photography sites, but she has a story for each one. One is about the flower she has that is from the bulb or something that belonged to her grandmother or great grandmother and has traveled with her to where she lives. I mean do you get that on every photography site?

No she didn’t take the picture and didn’t do all the bling. I did the bling. That’s what she gets for making me an editor on her site while she was starting back the first week of the school year. Yeah, she’s a teacher so I helped her out on her blog for a few days. Oh and to show you why I love her kids so much. Yeah, I blinged it too. Love the glitter. (They hated it.)

Kate's Girls


Well that’s all for me. I look forward to what these two have to offer up to us in the near future.


Much Respect





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Virtual Blog Tour

Check out Kat







at Dandelion Fuzz and her Virtual Blog Tour where she has tagged me as one of the next participants. Also Follow her BLOG!!! I swear I had and I go there and it showed I hadn’t. Once again Ronovan is ticked and might have to Rant. And yes, I do have a blog for that I haven’t posted on. I just don’t rant that much. And yes, it is called RonovanRants. Gotta love me, right?
Much Respect

Dandelion Fuzz

I would like to start by thanking Adrienne at greatsnaps, goodtimes and me for inviting me to take part in this tour. My participation was delayed by jury duty, life…..but I’m happy to be participating now.

Here are my answers to the Virtual Blog Tour questions:

What am I working on?

Since I began this blog, I have struggled with finding focus. That remains an issue for me. While my blog generally centers on my family’s journey with my transgender son, I try not to make that the only topic. We are so much more than that. I am working on the right balance and developing variety in my posts by trying out different things. imagesJC1T2POF

I am in the first week of Writing 101- Round 2! 2 days, 2 assignments completed. This time I WILL finish!

In addition to working on Writing 101, I have been brainstorming possible new features…

View original post 588 more words

Virtual Blog Tour-The Talented and then Me

Neha, rhyme mistress and word wizard of ForgottenMeadows allowed me to be involved in this Virtual Blog Tour. Why and how she put me down as one of her choices for involvement I will never know. I’m a strange man in a strange land.

What can I say about Neha?Neha

Her words are aloe,

Soothing broken and lost souls,

Is her magic gift.

Her poetry is varied. You never know what emotion she will pluck out on any given day, but you know it will happen. But is it her poetry that gets you? I have found the person behind the words is what makes the difference to me. Through exchanged comments and communications I find that her words fail to capture what she is. What can come close is when she opens up her site to allow others to contribute and grow as artists by joining together to create a montage masterpiece under her watchful eye. Wordsmith? Yes. Heart and much more? Definite.


Before you must suffer in my answers regarding my writing and creative process you get to enjoy the TALENTED of this show. How do you choose just three from hundreds of people you follow? I had criteria in my mind. Talent, activity, as in enough to keep them on my mind, and fascination with their passions. To me if there is no passion behind production then it’s pointless. There are many that could have been on this list, but I believe those reading this will agree with those I chose.

In alphabetical order I give you . . .

gettyimages © Original Photo by Inti St. Clair
gettyimages © Original Photo by Inti St. Clair


Spotlight right

Mara Eastern of Mara Eastern’s Personal Blog-A life in pictures and words.

Mara says this about herself-“I’m apparently not happy enough to nag real people around me and feel compelled to invade also the virtual space. ” “I’m a bad photographer and worse poet, which doesn’t prevent me from sharing my creations with complete strangers.”

From those words above there is obviously modesty inside of Mara as well. Her photography is unique in that it captures more than your traditional postcard picture art you might see from some. There is life in her photography that even she is not aware of. Her eye and talent naturally finds it and I sometimes even am inspired to write a poem. I look forward to her revealing how her process works.


Spotlight left


Oscar Hokeah-The Adventures of a Literary Journey

Oscar is . . . inspiring. Yes, he’s an author, but he more than just writes about what he loves he also brings it to life and encourages it. “I have worked with at-risk Native American youth in New Mexico for nearly ten years.  My passion is two fold:  creative writing and empowering Indigenous youth.” For more you must read his About page. There is so much more there.

I chose Oscar because of his passion, his writing, and his spirit. He’s not just an award winner, a scholarship winner, he’s also real. I want to find out how he does what he does. His inspiration is obvious once you have read about him and experienced his site. But I want to know how he takes that inspiration and then turns it into art.



Spotlight right

Megan Elizabeth Morales

“If you dream upon a dream, it’ll come true. I always identified with this particular song lyric/inspirational quote, because if I hadn’t worked as hard as I did, I wouldn’t of gotten so far in life.” And that is Megan. Megan is another inspirational author with books being published soon.  Her true story is even more amazing than her creations. But you’ll need to read more about her to discover it all. It’s all in her site. She’s very honest and sharing of her world.

Again I want to know how one so young has been able to accomplish so much. Megan is the best example of write and don’t sweat your life. Just keep writing and get the story done. She’s taken bad and turned it to good. Girl after my own heart.


And now for the . . .

gettyimages © Original Photo by Brand New Images
gettyimages © Original Photo by Brand New Images


1. What am I working on?

I mainly work on the content for my blog. I greatly enjoy the outlet it gives for my life. Most of what I write, even poetry, is autobiographical in nature.

In regards to works I would like published someday I have a YA adventure novel about a girl and her brother that I need to revise part of and then get into editing. But one work I really would like to attempt is transforming a Paranormal Detective novel I’ve written to include more personal feeling from how I am now. Then there is another book I have that is based on my experience with amnesia but used in a fictional adventure/thriller manner. I have no idea where that idea came from.

I have decided to buckle down and complete the YA adventure revise and editing process. This means perhaps a little less time blogging but then with me who knows.
2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

I think I try to bring character realism in regards to emotions, conflicts and the like to the story more than just actions. Even the action that takes place says something about the person because of reactions, choices, and consequences. Is that different from everyone else? I don’t know, but it’s me.

I sit down with each scene and action and decide on the believability of it within the abilities of the character. Even with paranormal, fantasy, or science fiction I attempt to ground as much of the actual aspects of the characters in reality in order for the reader to connect, and in all honesty for myself to connect as well.

I don’t necessarily write for popularity but for release of thoughts and feelings I have. Descriptiveness of environment and setting is less important to me than characterization. I think I look for the reality behind the fiction.


3. Why do I write/create what I do?

For my blog I write to rid myself of pain and thoughts. The pain is the physical results of Fibromyalgia and Migraines, not necessarily some emotional trauma, although those two plus amnesia do have some impact on how I see things. I just wanted to make that clear. Sometimes it’s humor or my creations, but depending on the physical trials I am going through I find poetry especially a great outlet.

As for my novel work I believe my reasons have changed over time. At one time it may have been to be a popular writer but now it is too create a place that reflects who I am in the main characters and hopefully make a connection with readers in a way that will make them think. I believe every story has a reader waiting for it to touch and in a way heal.
4. How does my writing/creating process work?

For my poetry I sit down to an empty page, close my eyes and begin to type. Whatever is coming to my mind at that moment I just keep my eyes closed and type the words and descriptions that come to mind. I get out of the way of my mind and heart and just let it flow. Even if it is dark or angry, I let it go. I never sit down to purposefully create a dark piece. Never. I think my mind looks at something and sees what’s behind the image, or imagines what is behind it.

After that first stage I then open my eyes and see if there is something there to share. I sometimes sit down and so want to write a sunshiny piece and end up writing about pain. But somehow a few people might say they find it beautiful and I don’t really understand, or they find comedy in it. I just thank them and close my eyes for the next piece. I tell others that every piece you write has a reader waiting to find it, so don’t be afraid to share it.

Try it yourself. Just close your eyes and begin to type. As you do your thoughts will begin to form into a single line and become a message. Just keep typing until you cannot any longer.

Sometimes I will write a poem about a photograph I see as an escape from the darkness of some of my poetry. It is a much needed reprieve.

As for my novel work it is much like the poetry in that I let the characters write the story. I have an idea of who the main characters are and a basic idea of where I want it to go, but ultimately the characters determine what happens. I don’t force myself to stay on a path to my original intent. I may love a character when I create it before I start but the story ends up having that one be the one people won’t like, even I don’t like, and I go with it. I can’t change it. I have even had the main love interest end up changing within just a few chapters of beginning a project because the two people weren’t connecting.

I also put more and more of me in my work of late. At least I think I do.

Depending on the type of novel there may be a lot of research beforehand, especially if there are historical aspects that tie in with characters or the direction of the novel, such as action/thriller that involved things from WWII that affected current events.

If you made it this far, the wow. You made it through the wilderness and out into the sunshine. I want to thank Neha once again for including me. I never imagined to be involved in something like this. I do hope you all visit those above and see what I so miserably and poorly attempted to explain.

Much Respect



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