RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #54 Free&Think


Challenge #54

The rules are simple.

  • Take the two words and write a Haiku. I use Haiku in English as my style, which is 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and three for the third, but you can use what you like. For syllable help visit
  • The two words can be used as you like. Words have different definitions and you can use the definitions you like. You can even use a synonym word as long as it does not change the meaning. Go to for Synonym help.
  • Copy the link of your finished haiku URL  in a comment so we can all go and visit your site to see what you have done. I will comment on your site. You can do a ping back. What’s a ping back? Put a link back to this prompt page, if you like within your post, as long as it does not take away from your haiku. This is simply a prompt and challenge to encourage people to try Haiku and give some a prompt and a place to share in comments so we can find each other. A link in your post does give others a chance to find us and join in. Use one of the two below if you like.
  • Ping back Link
  • Non Ping back Link
  • You may copy the badge/image appearing in this post and place it on your site if you wish, most normally use it within their post. I am not saying you need to, but if you would like to do so then go ahead. It is simply my way of saying thank you for participating. I sometimes make custom images for the week, if time and health permits.


The Challenge Words!

Free & Think

My example:

Sharing honest thoughts,

Is a sign of your courage,

Hiding your thinking?

As you can see I changed the words but kept their meanings. Enjoy the challenge and I look forward to seeing your Haiku.

Much Love, Success, and Respect


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53 thoughts on “RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #54 Free&Think

  1. […] Ronavan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge is open to everyone who wishes to write haiku using two prompt words. This week the prompts are “Free & Think”. No experience necessary. […]


  2. I love your word choices this week Ronovan. Two of my favorite words, Free & Think. It was a blessing finding your Haiku Writing Challenge. How I arrived on your doorstep, I wish I could recall. Maybe it was just serendipity. An unknown guide led me here. I am so grateful. Thank you for what you do here. It is healing more than imaginable. jk 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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