Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge Prompt No. 27 (BLISS) This week, it’s the A rhyme line.

I chose the word BLISS this week.

You may, if you wish, make some kind of link between the Haiku Challenge prompt of (DRIP & DROP). and BLISS.

The 2 CHALLENGES are SEPARATE but CAN BE combined if YOU CHOOSE to do so.

Welcome to the Décima Poetry Challenge. Each week we’ll be attempting a Décima, also known as an Espinela, poem.

If you don’t know how to write a Décima, click HERE to go to a post on How to Write an Espinela or Décima Poem.


Keep reading and find out, with an example included.

  • To read last week’s Décima Poetry written for the prompt for BLISS, click HERE for all the links in one post.

Back to our scheduled Décima Poetry Challenge what to and what not to do.

If you can’t come up with a Décima using the given prompt, you can use a Synonym instead. I don’t want to stall your creativity, and with the possibility of a synonym, you will certainly write something amazing…or in my case, something that rhymes.

Sites to help:  Use this site for syllables. I’ve used several online counters and too many have given different counts for the same word, so I use the dictionary now. Also, in some parts of the English speaking world, the syllables may come out in the spoken language a bitt differently. And that’s okay. Write to enjoy, too learn, and yes, try to get the syllables right, but above all create and enjoy.

Here is the quick description of a Décima:

There are 10 lines of poetry that rhyme. 8 syllables.
There is a set rhyming pattern we must stick to. abbaaccddc

The prompt word given (in the post heading) must appear at the end of one of the given rhyme lines, either A, B, C, or D.

Let’s look at the rhyme pattern once again and you will see what I mean.

The rhyming pattern is abbaaccddc with a choice of a break between line 4 and 5, then being abba accddc, which I use in my example below.

Example, if I say in the subject line of the post:

“…(FALL) This week it’s the B rhyme line.”

my Décima might be…


As the end wept upon the land,

we could hear the approaching fall.

Justice answered the trumpet’s call,

trusting the fight to her troop’s hand.


Fate trembles with haste to expand,

through misdeeds by her shameless foe.

Past foolish decisions now crow,

“Wait—no—this was not meant to be.”

They beg the nation, “Hear our plea.

Heal honor, shout, no…no… NO!”


Notice the example prompt word ‘FALL’ is in line 2, the first B line, and its rhyme in is in line 3, matching the rhyming pattern of abba accddc.

For today’s challenge, the word BLISS must be one of the A line words. Then the other A line(s) word(s) must rhyme with BLISS.

Sometimes you break the rhyme into two stanzas using the following rhyme pattern. abba/accddc.

Once you complete your poem and post it on your blog, copy the link and place it in the comments in this post. That way other people can visit your post and check out your poem. You can also put the link of this challenge in your post to let your followers know where to go if they want to participate. This is called a Pingback. This is not mandatory to join in or to put your post link in the comments. Click HERE to find out how to do a Pingback.

Reblogging is great as well.

Some people like to copy and paste the challenge image into their posts. That’s okay with me.

Ronovan Writes Decima Challenge Image




© 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

15 thoughts on “Ronovan Writes Décima Poetry Challenge Prompt No. 27 (BLISS) This week, it’s the A rhyme line.


    He’s in a state, euphoric bliss,
    something opaque, and somewhat mad,
    deranged, demented, slightly sad,
    his urge to share his COVID kiss.

    He’s taken us to the abyss,
    with megalomanic raving,
    “I’m immune,” his new saying,
    As if he is a chosen one,
    Yet he has simply come undone,
    Our souls are what he’s craving.

    Liked by 4 people

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