The best tip I have to get Blog Traffic.

Thought I would give the biggest and best tip I have about blogging views and traffic today. But you’ll have to wait a moment for it.

I’ve seen so many posts/articles that go on about how if you post like this or that and during these hours and the like you will get a lot more views. To some extent they are correct.

I’ve written articles about where the views come from as in do the source of the clicks to your site come from Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or whatever.

But here is the honest deal to it all. The more friends you have that know about your site and read your site the more people you have share your articles elsewhere.

I don’t share my work in many places right now. Twitter is pretty much it, and Tumblr by default. Really those two are defaults built into my blog. But I get views from other sources. Facebook is one. I rarely share an article on facebook, yet I get a decent number of views from there, well on average they are okay, but not like stellar. But for not even using facebook for the purpose of sharing my articles, getting views from there is pretty good. Same goes for Reddit.

You see, your focus should be on writing great content and making great friends. Doing that means you end up with a great blog. Those great friends share your work with their friends. Is that why you make those great friends? No. It is a side effect of doing what you are supposed to do on your blog-Write Great Content.

What is great content? That’s all dependent upon the writer. Do I have great content? I’m not sure. I write from the heart and mind and leave it at that. I don’t make the effort to weave a tapestry of words that will enthrall people. This article, for example, is all stream of thought and won’t be edited. This is it, how I think and how I write.

The content you come up with may end up being a poem, a short story, a blog tip or a challenge of some type. But the truth is, if you are writing those just to get traffic on your blog then people will know it. Thus, it’s not great content.

When I get a lot of traffic on my blog, it’s an accident. I don’t really post at the best times or anything. I post at midnight sometimes which is an awful time to do so and I get hit by 200+ clicks for that article.

You want lots of views to your site, lots of traffic? Write and make friends. Forget all the headaches of research. Yeah, read the advice, but don’t get caught up in all of it too much. Focus on those two things I mentioned and you’ll end up just fine.

Much Respect


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My Top Five Ways to NOT Gain Twitter Followers

Part of blogging is networking and part of networking is social networking.


I know, I said the word, networking. Anyone else have the full body shiver? But we’ll talk about one particular social networking platform today that really can apply to pretty much all of those dreaded diseases, well some of you call them that. Parasites. Life suckers. Time travelers. Well you call them that because somehow you sit down and suddenly you are two hours into the future.

But I have a solution for you.


My Top Five Ways to NOT Gain Twitter Followers

Yes—Twitter. What can Twitter do for you in regards to your blog? By connecting with other bloggers who then ReTweet or RT your Tweets other people then find you. Also if you Hashtag things properly you will get your blog noticed. But I’m not here to talk about those things. Those things just bring even more attention to your blog and cause you to have more people to read Comments from and watch click Like.

No, I want to tell you how NOT to get people to follow you on Twitter. I want to save you from those pains of progress.

It was difficult to decide the order because all are pretty close.

Number Five

Force account verification before letting someone Follow you.

So I see you, maybe you even Followed me and I am like, okay, I’ll bite. No, I’m not an Animal Animal Animal. Whoa, anyone else hear Maroon 5 for a moment there? Um, the verification thing, right. That’s when I get the message pop up that you require me to verify I am a human before I can Follow you, even if you have Followed me in the first place. That is an excellent way NOT to get a Follower. Tell me you think I am not Human. I love it. It makes my day. Please, sir, may I have another?

The great part of this is, a little thing is on your account, an image that lets us know you require verification. Even though it’s easy to do the verification process, it’s still a process and I ain’t doing a process. So if you don’t want me to Follow you, set that up and I’ll move along.

Number Four

Don’t put information in your Bio section.

Mystery. Ah yes. We all love them—in books, in movies. You should keep yourself a mystery by not telling anyone about who you are or what you are interested in or what you might be Tweeting about. That’s a way to make people keep moving on. If you Follow me and I go check you out, as I do everyone who Follows me, and I don’t see something that lets me know something about you, that you are a for real person, then enjoy my Tweets but I won’t be enjoying your advertising of whatever you are tweeting for someone about. Oh no. I just mentioned wanting to confirm you are human! Oops.

Really, I want to know you’re not a dummy account of something I will tell you about later. OOOOO cliff hanger.

Number Three

Keep the nice Egg photo as your image.

Twitter is the second coming of Easter at times. All those new eggs out there that have been around for a few years kind of smell after a time. I see egg I think, “What? Not even a cat photo?” I’ll go check them out but it’s rare I find a reason to Follow Back. So if you don’t want Followers keep the Egg and don’t use an approachable photo. Dom photos seem to scare me and others away as well. Doms and Eggs. Both have four letters. Interesting. Maybe four letter words keep me from Following. Hmm.

Number Two

Use a bunch of random letters as your handle.

I love not being able to pronounce a name or Twitter Handle. HZZxccSxCzzh might be a great person but I’ll never knooowwww. Bunches of messed up letters just screams to me, “No, do not look at me. I am not here. You can’t see me. I’m a ninja.” That’s right. I can’t see you. I am like, “What? Not even CatLover013?”

Number One

Put up Buy Twitter Followers as your header photo and/or Bio information.

I love how many people are part of the SPEED UP YOUR TWITTER MARKETING CAMPAIGN club. You can tell who they are because of that pretty blue header photo that tells you how much it costs to buy Followers. The blue brings out the color in my eyes. I’m not a club joiner and not into buying Followers. That doesn’t serve a purpose to me. But go ahead and join it and you won’t have to worry about me Following you. It just says to me, “I was told that this is a great way to get people to follow me and I fell for it and I have like no one really following me and I don’t really have anything to say but if I put up blue people will come and look at it and if they do it long enough they will learn the secret lottery winning numbers.” (Yes, this is how my mind just sort of flows sometimes. Scary, huh? Don’t you wish you were me?)


And a Bonus of How to Get me to UnFollow you fast.

I mentioned earlier how I want to know people aren’t dummy accounts so I look to see if they have bios or tweet things. Well, there is a reason I look for that. One reason is because often times as soon as I do follow someone that is like a total mystery they send me a Direct Message telling me how much I can pay them to Follow me with their 18,000 Twitter accounts. Do that and you have lost my Follow.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the advice and that you lose a lot of potential Followers. I love to help, as you all know. Live long, prosper, and Hermit like Kermit in the swamp.



Ronovan Writes





Remember to follow me:


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Blogging Tips: Curious about where your ‘view traffic’ is coming from?

Blogging Tips: Curious about where your ‘view traffic’ is coming from?

by: Ronovan


“I don’t care where it comes from as long as I get it!”


That’s the attitude of most or at least many of those with websites, depending on the purpose of the site. If you are just wishing to share your creativity, then this article is not for you. This article is for those wanting to increase viewership and perhaps their online presence for professional reasons or maybe even just curious about where and how people find them.


For those falling into the second category, the following I give you in response to the “I don’t care…” comment.


“Seriously? Seriously? I can’t believe you thought that.”


Empty FreewayMaybe it’s the former data analysis guy in me, yeah, I did that too on top of having been a teacher and other things…cry with me now…okay now on with the show, but I want to KNOW.


You want to grow your readership like a web, not a straight line. By straight line I mean with only one source of followers/readers/viewers. This can mean just your friends or family or fellow bloggers. You want ALL of that and more. With a web you don’t depend on one type of viewer.


On your WordPress Stats page you can see under Referrers where your visitors are coming from. It may be;

  • Reader
  • Dashboard
  • Twitter
  • Or even a link on another bloggers page.


For those who are striving for web presence, you need to know these things.


REFERRERS information

You can view this information by;

  • Current Day
  • Yesterday
  • Summaries. Within Summaries you have other time span options.


If I click on my ‘All time’ option, which is my entire blog history, I can see that the Reader and Light Traffic FreewayTwitter are basically tied for first place in Referrers with and WordPress Dashboard almost tied for third.


If I look at the ‘7 Days’ option I see that is first, Twitter is second, and Reader is third.


I know why reader is in first with a huge increase. I started the Writing 101 Blogging University this past Monday and participants post links to their assignments on a certain page for others to click and see.


I look at both big picture and little picture to see how things have been and how things are recently. If my Reader response is dying off, I have to determine why. If Twitter is dying, then why is it?



If you use Twitter you can also see if your Tweets are generating clicks back to your articles.

  1. Go to the ‘gear’ in the upper right corner of the screen, click and then click Analytics
  2. You can then look at each Tweet and see the number of clicks that each resulted in, within the body of the Tweet in the first column, how many Faves you received, Retweets, and Replies. You may also see something that says 4XNormal Reach or some other number. That means you reached that much more of your normal audience with that Tweet due to ReTweets (RT).


There are more data options to view but these are the Twitter options I want to look at for our purpose today.

Busy Freeway

This information can help you look at when things happen and what content you put out that either increased or decreased your site traffic. I’m not saying you should write to increase traffic, unless that is your purpose. If that is your purpose then you need to use what you have available to you.


If you look at my categories and offerings you will see I am random and just write whatever comes to mind. But some want to keep their site within a certain theme. In the Analytics of Twitter you can even see the interests by percentage of your Followers to see if you are reaching the people you want to reach. But that is for another article another time.


Write and create for you and as long as it is honest creativity you WILL find your audience.

(I would have included images of my traffic numbers but they are so much lower than everyone else’s that I didn’t.)

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