Tips to Increase Followers and Views.

Followers and Views, two different aspects of blogging that go hand in hand but at times do so in ways that you may not think about.

People like that Follower number to grow even if they don’t like to admit it. But not all of that number View your posts. Many did at one point but over time things happen and blogs slip through the cracks. That’s one reason I try to Follow the ones I really, really can’t miss by email. That being said, I don’t WANT to miss anyone’s posts, but I have developed some relationships that have been good for me that I don’t want to let slip away for certain. If you are new here, I have retro grade amnesia and short term memory problems so I have to do certain things to make it easy on me. I just didn’t want anyone to take what I was saying the wrong way.

Here is an article which touches on our subject today.

Blogger Psychology: Views vs. Likes, Which Satisfies you?

We will start with Followers.

A big place for a blog to initially get Followers is through their blog’s platform. I will be referring to the WordPress platform for the purpose of this article as that is the platform I have this blog on.

WordPress has a Reader. This is where the In House Readers or IHR as I call them come from. You can use the Reader to see the blogs of the people you follow or you can select a Tag to see and read anyone that comes up with that Tag attached to their post describing what their post is about, even if you don’t Follow them. I can put in the Tag Haiku and see all of those posts with that Tag. Even if the post/article is about jelly beans they can put Haiku as a Tag and it will show up under Haiku.

Here comes a problem. If you have a very short post, Images or a Haiku poem for example, people can see that in the Reader and simply click Like from there without ever having made it to your blog and registering as a View. For a blogger who often writes Haiku that can really take a chunk out of the potential Views even if I get 50 Likes for a Haiku from the Reader.

If people go to your blog you have a better chance of them Following you and of course you get the Views. For me, well I suppose it’s the Views that show me people are interested in what I do, not just Likes.

Likes are nice but Views make news.

But to be honest when I see certain people Liking my Haiku and the Views are not matching up, I don’t freak out. I know they are reading and I know they didn’t just click Like because they click Like on every person they see. There are people that do that in hopes of having people Follow them or in hopes of keeping Followers.

Increasing Followers and Views go hand in hand. Someone has to Follow something somewhere in order to get to your Blog. It could be a Tweet on Twitter or a link in someone’s blog post. I can’t talk about Views without some reference to Follows. That’s why I went into all of that.

Here’s a checklist of things you might want to keep in mind.

  • Make your posts longer-That sounds opposite coming from someone who wrote an article called Short and Sweet Keeps Them in Their Seats. Well, in this case you want posts to be longer so the Reader cuts them off and thus makes the reader need to click to your blog. I don’t mean way long though. This is not something I actively do, but something I am pointing out to you so you are aware of it. With a Haiku or image you can see everything on the Reader and no one need visit your blog.  But you say you don’t want to do that. So what should you do? Well if you are writing an article make the opening lines count. I don’t normally have short articles but if I want people to click on something that might say 1,275 more words at the end of the cut off point in the Reader, I best make those first words count.
  • Writing counts-Make certain you are putting quality out there. Regardless of what it is, make it the best writing you can do.
  • Subject matter-You will have visitors from your other social networks but you want to go for the IHR. One way IHR find you is according to the Tags you use. We know tagging is important. I’ve discussed it many times. I even have an article Tag So You’re It. But let’s move on from there. What are you writing about? Are you turning off your current Followers and Viewers with a sudden change in interest? I recently became passionate about the plight of a Blogger who is imprisoned in Saudi Arabia. Since that day my Views have dropped big time. Perhaps I offended someone. Well more than some ONE. But as I have said, I will write what I write and whatever happens happens. So that’s a decision for you to make. But I write honestly. I don’t write popularly.
  • Social networking activity-Usually the more involved you are the more likely you will have increased Blog activity.

The key to more Followers and Views?

The secret all Bloggers want to know?


  • Time as in effort you put in regarding the quality of work you do.
  • Time you put in for social networking activity.
  • Time in waiting for the Followers and Views to find you after you have worked on the first two Times. The Three Ts.

But honestly you need to do a little of all three to get the job done. And one of those you MUST do. Quality.

For more articles on Increasing Views and Followers:

Why Isn’t Anyone Reading My Articles?

3 Ways to Increase Views And Make Your Life Easier

Blogging Tips: 3 More Ways to Increase Your View . . . The Easy Way

5 Image Things To Know For SEO

How To Increase Your #SEO Results And Get Your #Blog Noticed



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I’m Alright. Don’t nobody worry about me.

Yesterday I wrote an article about why people are still blogging. I have a reason you should be. however I also mentioned how my blog views had slipped and asked for some feedback. I think that turned into the purpose of the blog. The thing is, yes my views have decreased, but I’m not in any danger of like being unemployed. For one I don’t get paid to do this. (Pause for chuckles.)

(Continue) BUT really, I’m All Right, Don’t nobody worry about me.

(Wait for everyone to stop gopher dancing.)



(Continue) I came into Blog World without any views and I can stay in Blog World without any views. Yeah, I like them. And seriously I am good with my number of my views, if not I know how to increase them.

I asked people to give me reasons they might see as to why THEY think I might have fewer views. I was waiting to see who chimed in and what advice I received. You see, I know the reasons.

  • I have changed a little of what my content is.
  • Summer is over and school is in session so there is a little less viewing time for a lot of people.
  • I don’t write depressing, pain riddled poetry much if at all any longer
  • I don’t put out 3+ articles a day, I do sometimes but it’s rare and only if I really like something.
  • It’s football season here in the US of A.
  • I also don’t Tweet and advertise quite like I used to.

Does this mean I don’t have a lot of views? I don’t really know what a lot of views means. I would like to think that I do okay. I mean I know what some sites get as I have been in the background working on them and I am higher and lower depending on the site.

Do I plan to do something to try and raise my numbers up? No. You see if you try to do something to raise your numbers, people know it. I pretty much have had fun my entire blogging except that I did feel a need to put out at least three post per day. Why? I wanted to put out a variety of content for different possible visitors.

Some might point to my new site as being an energy eater. Most of you know I have a limited amount of energy, although I always seem to be around. Pain is pain and if you give in you get no gain. Right? Right.  And yes LitWorldInterviews is taking a lot of energy out of me. I actually need an assistant to help format some of my work over there. Formatting is my hard part. My hands don’t work so well. I am working on getting voice to text to work so I can ‘write’ by speaking. Yes, that’s how bad my hands are.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not complaining about how busy LWI is. I mean two author interviews per week, a current series on Author Presence, Book Reviews by four people out in one week, plus Feature Articles. Who even knew that would happen? And I’m still not doing all that I want to do there. Only one of me.

Well, sorry I spoke about LWI, I am trying not to do that so much here on my personal blog but it is part of my life, and there is stuff going on there that I think some of you here on RonovanWrites would like to know about. But I just wanted people to know that I am fine and don’t plan to do anything different. I am happy with my blog and what is happening. I still have more than enough views. And I know the events that cause them to be low at times.


Much Love and Respect to all you reading



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The outlook of the future. Hmm . . . I think those words are almost the same.

As we are in a new month and a new season it’s time for a change. As you may have noticed, ever so slightly, my content is slowly changing. Moving forward I’ve decided that unless it is something I truly like you will not be seeing it. I always thought I was doing that and maybe I was. But my personal standards are higher now. With that being said, you might visit me and not see a brand new post for that day. I have plenty of posts for you to see, almost 700 now. To make it easier I might put the tag cloud back out so you might find things you could be interested in if you wish.


Sometimes people think they see a theme in my writing, my posts. There isn’t any. I like to write about love. I think that’s kind of cool really. I hear a song, just a few bars and the beat or something then clicks with me and I write a poem. Don’t worry, folks, Ronovan is okay. Until he’s dead, he’s doing fine. I have a firmer grasp on things than a lot of people in this world.


I hope you keep visiting even if the pickings become a little slimmer, but no more fluff. I consider some of what I have put out to be that. And as for my lists on Fridays, some of them have been pretty sad and the results have shown that, but then again, the ones I really felt passionate about got no results. Well, passionate and enjoying is what I am going to be about. So, hope you keep visiting and enjoy my offerings.


Much Respect and Love


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My 3 Best Blogging Tips for a Successful Blog

My Best Blogging Tip

I can give anyone is to be honest in everything you put out. If you have something you don’t like or are not feeling, then don’t post it. If that means you go a day without a post, then fine, save your readers the suffering of mediocrity. My apologies to my readers.

I feel responsible to put out a lot of content in order for there to be something for each type of person that visits. I know not everyone likes each and every piece I come up with so I try to have a little bit of variety. This does not mean a piece is bad just because a person does not like it. You can’t make everyone happy with your writing.

The foolish thing about the idea of my massive amount of content output is . . . I have so much content on my blog that people already have plenty to see if they want to see it. But there is a problem with backing off my content output and just letting people check out what I have already. And that’s where my,

Third Best Blogging Tip comes into play and that is . . .

Blog Organization & Navigation: Get it right Sooner than Too Late.

No, you didn’t miss the number two blogging tip. Not everyone is like me for content output. I am a serious writing fiend. This has put me in a bad spot. I need to organize but it will be a very long process and that is time intensive and tediousness I can’t handle. It’s just something I literally cannot do at this point in my life medically.


How did I get so unorganized?

Whenever we start blogs we want them to look great and put out creative things without a look to the future because we often times don’t think about what happens if we really enjoy it or if others enjoy our work. Great. But one thing you need to think of is organizing. We use Categories on that sidebar thing for that and it works perfectly fine. But then again . . . it doesn’t.

How are your visitors going to find your great work? How do they navigate your site?

You might be saying to yourself,

“Ronovan, I write poetry, or I have photos so people are just going to see that by clicking on my Photography category.”

  • I don’t like every subject matter of photography.
  • I don’t like every subject matter of poetry.
  • You know there are even triggers for some people these days. Triggers are words or sounds or images or anything that causes some reaction from another person and often times in a negative manner.

Triggers have been an issue with me of late. There are blogs I don’t visit now because there are things I know might be there. Even a warning is a trigger. Even the idea of the site itself is a trigger and the person attached to the site has become a trigger. So what to do to help this not happen? This isn’t to say you need to try and avoid every trigger ever because that’s impossible.

The Category way, a MUST

Sure, Categories are a start but then you have to think about things like . . . well let’s take poetry. I have a lot of poetry on my site. All of it is under the Category of Poetry which I now have as a drop down box under ‘My Writings’ page. But there are different types of poetry and different topics.

So what I need to do is slowly move my poetry into more Categories. This is great if you want a long list of Categories on your sidebar.For me the Drop Down Menu looks a touch more professional as long as it is done properly. I still need to work on mine. But if you are satisfied with a list of categories in your sidebar then by all means do it.

There is nothing wrong with having poetry categorized as Love Poetry, or Depression Poetry, or Funny Poetry, or even Sensual Poetry.  You would be using those adjective words in the Tags anyway, so why not use them in the Category name instead? That means one less Tag you use.

The thing to know here is to go ahead and make these Categories as you make your posts. It will come in handy later when and if you want to do drop down boxes/menus.

If I had done the above to start with the next option I will mention would be a breeze.

My Nightmare

Waiting until you have almost 700 articles published is a bit late in the game to be taking another stab at organization but it is a must. I’m going to try but it will be slow going. I advise you to do it now. Do it a little at a time if you need to. But get it done so people can visit and check out more of what you have to offer. Just imagine people don’t even know about my poem ‘Snack Attack‘.

Doing Drop Down Menus.

You might be wondering how to set up the Drop Down Menus under or atop your header photos. Go to your Dashboard, for WordPress users, then to Appearance near the bottom, and then Menus.

For some there might be different locations for Menus, as in where on your blog a menu or menus can appear. I’m just going to briefly or not so briefly do a run through of a basic drop down option.

MenuOnce in the Menus page to edit your menus you have sections called  Pages, Links, Categories, and then to the right Menu Structure. If you have your blog open go ahead and just take a look at it and  you will see it’s pretty simple and nothing all freak out worthy. You can’t mess up in here unless you hit save and even then you have to do something else first before anything you do now would save. And I’m not telling you what that is yet.  So check it out.

Before anything, look at the Menu Structure section.

What happens here is you move Pages, Links and Categories into this box and then move them around to how you want them to appear and function on your blog.

  • If a Title is all the way to the left in the box then it will function as a ‘Heading’, at least that’s what I will call it. Or perhaps a Section Title. I have Haiku Challenges on my blog RonovanWrites, well I don’t want a person to click Haiku Challenges and end up seeing every challenge I have because it then becomes confusing. Instead I want them to see the specific type of challenge, be it the Word Prompt Challenge or the Wordless Haiku Challenge.
  • If you want something to show up as a drop down option then you simply drag it slightly to the right, underneath the ‘Heading’ you want it to appear under. So for me the ‘Heading’ would be Haiku Challenges and the drop down options would be ‘Word Prompt Challenge’ and “Wordless Haiku Challenge’. So Haiku Challenges would be all the way to the left then the actual challenges would be lined up underneath each other just to the right and under the ‘Heading’.
  • You can even make subheading under subheadings by moving something to the right of ‘Word Prompt Challenge’.
  • Don’t do the sub of a sub thing, or I don’t recommend it as the deeper you bury things in your blog structure supposedly the deeper a Search Engine will need to search.


Pages is the section that contains actual PAGES you have created in the PAGES part of the Dashboard. I will use all caps for real PAGES from now on so you will know the difference between a real PAGE and what looks likeLego_Blocks a page.

  • Click on the ‘Pages’ box and a list of your PAGES will appear. You can check the box next to what you want and then click Add to Menu. Did you catch that? You can actually, by using the Menus feature, keep a PAGE from appearing in the Menu while you work on it or until it is ready to be used.

Links is a bit different:

For links you have two boxes; URL and Link Text.

This is where I create the ‘Headings’ or ‘Fake Pages’ if you will.

  • Type in the ‘Heading’ in the Link Text field. For me it would have been Haiku Challenges.
  • Next you need a URL link to hold the ‘Heading’ in place so to speak. You see if you clicked on Haiku Challenges you might not find anything there because I just created a name, no content, no post or anything. What you do is simply copy the URL from the front page of your blog. This will make it so no one can click on it but when their cursor hovers over it the drop box shows up.
  • Once you have done this, click Add to Menu and place it where  appropriate on your Menu Structure.

Categories is the last on our list:

These are the Categories you created as you created your posts. And this is why you want to be a little specific about naming standards. In other words these are the Categories that show up on the Category list in the sidebar.

  • Click the View All tab so you can see all of the Categories you use for your posts.
  • You can now add any you want to the Menu Structure area.

Why be specific in naming standards? What if you have a Literary site that does interviews and book reviews and you have genre ‘Headings’ and then ‘Categories’ that are all the same names according to age of reader? You know what you end with for yourself? Confusion and delay. So be specific so you know what you are using at a glance and not out of trial and error.

Here is the part you need to know about making drop downs instead of a bunch of ‘pages’.

Once you’ve done all the Menu Structure you then want to make sure Primary Menu is checked at the bottom and then click Save Menu. You can click Save Menu throughout the process and check and see if things are going as planned by having your site open in another tab or window. Just hit refresh on that other tab or window and check out your progress.

That’s a quick rundown of how the Menus work and how to get organized. I hope it will be helpful and I will work on a more complete Menu article in the future with the images that you have become accustomed to, but to be honest, this article wasn’t going to be this, it just happened.

One last thing for the O/N Blogging tips you need to do and actually it’s the first is to sit down and think about your Category names, your ‘Heading’ titles, and even your real PAGES you want to have. You don’t have to have every single one, just what you need so you get a standard method in place.

Now for the number Two Best Blogging Tip I have

Have fun and ignore the number of views and followers you have. If you worry about those two things then you start forgetting about the Number One Tip, being honest. You start forcing things and people can tell you aren’t having fun or at least you are not putting your heart into it. When that happens, people stop visiting you.

So why are these my Best Three Blogging Tips? If you don’t have quality you don’t have readers and if you have a mess on your hands your new readers won’t see your quality content from before they found you. So make your life easier.
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Much Respect



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How to Increase your #SEO Results and get your #Blog noticed.

If you are wanting people to visit your blog or website or to start getting  your name/brand out there, there are things you need to do that are simple and in some cases a one time set up that will help you. They range from blog post content for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to adjusting your blog settings. Today I’ll share four with you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly Blog Post Content

Search Engines, such as Google, ‘read’ your blog content, that’s the way I will explain it. What they are ‘reading’ for is what the person is searching for, what they typed in the search bar.  If you have a blog post about ‘How To Roast A seo_googe_yahoo_upward_trend.jpgTurkey’, then your post needs to OPTIMIZE  and include words that people use to search for when wanting to find out ‘How To Roast A Turkey’. The more relevant words you use the better chances of your blog or website post showing up in Search Engines. No, don’t say turkey or roast every other word. Search Engines actually DON’T like that.

I personally Optimize by having my key words a person is searching for in Search Engines in the first paragraph or two. Why? When a reader clicks to my site I want them to know instantly they have found what they are looking for. I might meander a bit later, but I want to catch their attention to have them keep reading.

Of course don’t get crazy with using the words when it just doesn’t make sense to do so. Sometimes you just need to talk to the reader and sound like you.

Difficulty on a scale of 5 being most difficult to use:

4 until you get the hang of it because you may have to adjust your style just a bit.

Why I mention:

Search Engines are my second place referrer to my site after the WordPress Reader. But here is the kicker, for the past 7 days the Reader only beat Search Engines by 11 referrals. And to be honest we want to be found on Search Engines. (It’s now Dec. 31, 2014 and Search Engines are my #1 referral.)

Including Images Inside of Your Post

Many blogs or website content posts are shared on different platforms or sites. Examples would be Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and Bloglovin. When your content is shared that’s a great thing unless for instance it visually looks like a set of blank photographs.blank_gravatar_image.jpg

You have an image or photograph set as a ‘featured image’. Great, it’s needed at times. I set one for every post I do, unless I am helping with another site and their layout does not use it. But here is something you need to know, put the image in your actual post itself as well. When you get shared on other sites those sites don’t always grab the featured image but they do usually bring the content images along with the share. That way when they do show up, say on Bloglovin you will have images to attract people’s eye.

Facebook is a problem as well in what it pulls in. It will grab an image and carry it with the post if you don’t have one. For a time it was my Blogging U badge on my sidebar, now it is my About.Me image. So I make sure to have images that are for the content itself.


While I am at it, I’ll mention an additional tip. When you add media to your blog notice those different boxes that come up with titles like Title, Caption, Alt Text and Description? Fill those out. Why? When Search Engines read your content you want your images to have words of what those images are. Make sure they include things like .jpg or .gif or whatever format the image is.

Difficulty on a scale of 5 being most difficult to use:

3 just because it can be tedious depending on your amount of images. I sometimes reuse images to make life easier.

Why I mention:

This is one of the things that a lot of people skip and miss out on. Some Search Engines don’t ‘read’ the entire content, just the first so much amount. If you have images taking up the beginning of your post content, then what is the Search Engine reading if you have nothing descriptive in there?

Add Your Twitter Handle to Your Sharing Button

Your Twitter Handle is your brand, your advertising, your contact. You don’t have a Twitter account? That’s fine, it’s all up to you. Twitter is my number three referral for visitors to my site right now. Not a huge number, but numbers. But that’s misleading to say. Some people just don’t click the link in that Tweet. They will open it elsewhere, or copy and paste it. I am sure my Twitter referrals are a lot more than the stats show.

You might be asking me through your monitor screen what I mean by ‘Your Sharing Button’. At the bottom of your posttwitter_bird_image.jpg you have those little buttons people can click on to share your post to various other platforms. One site to share to is Twitter. You don’t have to have a Twitter account for people to share to Twitter. It will simply say wordpress instead of YOUR NAME that created the content. It’s up to you.

If you have Twitter just Go To:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Settings
  3. Sharing
  4. Twitter username to include in tweets when people share using the Twitter button.
  5. Type in your Twitter Handle without the @.

Some of you are wondering why that would increase people coming to your site. Brand recognition. If you have a good name and image people will begin to notice. The more your name gets out there and is seen the more people know it. This is not my personal idea this is a marketing idea.  There are times you will see a TV commercial for weeks before you finally actually watch it. Your child will tell you “Dad, um, this is like the millionth time you’ve seen this.” I am not at all quoting my son.

Difficulty on a scale of 5 being most difficult to use:

1 Once you have a Twitter Account

Why I mention:

It’s a, sorry to say it this way, no brainer. You have a Twitter, you have the option, why not do it?

Use Hashtags and/or Twitter Handles in your Post Title

#BloggerBoySayWhat This is something I’ve started doing lately. It’s not something I’ve really noticed being used, the Hashtag thing, yes, the Twitter Handle, no.

chalk_board_hashtags.jpgInclude these in the title of your post so when the post is shared, say on Twitter, you automatically have certain things you want to include to be tweeted. I do this with Authors and Bloggers I interview now. I put their Twitter Handle in the actual title. I don’t use the Hashtags so much but have when it is an important issue of the moment. For example if there were some Spousal Abuse media frenzy going on I might have a title #(FirstnameLastname) is a prime example of . . . Like I said, this one is a rare one, so when I do use it, it not only gets the write Hashtag used but people will do double take when they see the article title.

Difficulty on a scale of 5 being most difficult to use:

2 I only say a 2 because you need to know the Twitter Handle of the person you are wanting to boost/help out/ promote. And you should already have that if you are doing a post about them.

Why I mention:

Twitter is huge and if you are wanting to draw attention then make your blog work for you. People will share your post on Twitter but they might not go through the trouble of using Hashtags. Just don’t be obnoxious with it unless it’s a joke of sorts.

This was a lot longer than I expected it to be and for that I say . . . ouch. Even my fingers are hurting typing that much. As you begin using tips you get from me or from others it becomes second nature to do them and quicker. Turn these into habits/routines and you will think nothing of them. And as long as you have good content you should, I repeat . . . should increase your readership.

For More of My Blogging Tips and articles click here.

For Tips about Twitter click here.

Much Respect


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Blogging Tips: 3 More Ways to Increase Your Views . . . the easy way.

I’m a fraud.

I’m a fake.

I’m a liar by mistake.

I’m a spinner.

No complaint.

Hope this doesn’t make you faint.

(If the rhythm feels familiar you may recall a song by Meredith Brooks that was quite popular back in the mid 1990s. I just put my own words to it.)


Do you ever get the impression a blog site must be old and the blogger has years of blogging experience? People have said that to me about my site and experience. My experience has nothing to do with the age of  my blog, four months and counting I believe, or vast technical know how related to blogging, Google is a friend y’all.

Where does my experience come from and my sites modest level of following? And yes it is a modest level believe it or not. It comes from pouring my heart out to y’all, researching various ways a blog works, and using my 11 years of marketing analytical skills, my eduction, and my gut instinct. But most of all, I use my love of people. If you want to increase views to your site, love people. Just love ’em and be honest in your writing. You don’t need to read any further. If you are really into making some quick success of things then read on, but if you want to make it easier and more relaxed . . . love ’em.



Don’t content your viewers to death! (or yourself)

I’ve learned this one through my own personal experience. In the early going  of your blog (if you are out to generate traffic/views/people visiting your site) you need to put out a bit more content. Then settle down. Work on a good piece and put it out. And then sit on it.

How often you put out content/articles/posts depends entirely on the purpose of your blog and your own need at the moment.  If you are wanting to develop a loyal reader following, give them quality pieces and give them a chance to read them, react to them, and you a chance to respond to those who comment. You may write a magnificent article or poem but it gets buried in all of your content. I’ve done it! This is something I have recently become passionate about. I get an idea, I write, and hit publish. I can’t help myself. Write a great piece and run with it for a few days then publish another great piece.

Putting out your great pieces slowly, even if you have five prepared will keep you from burning out.



Pay attention to what what viewers are clicking and liking.

I have to admit this is not one I do very often in regards to determining what I write. I do notice and in speaking with blog friends I’ll comment on it. But I write what I write. But if you are wanting to specifically bring in followers and viewers, write what they like. You think that’s an easy one, right? You would think that’s one we all should realize. We don’t. One thing about this, if you’re trying too hard to write for the readers, the readers can tell, and it begins to sound fake, and becomes a turn off.

My content is me. Why that appeals to some people, I have no idea. People in person don’t find me appealing. (That may have sounded a bit wrong there . . .  or maybe it sounded right.)



Scheduling for the right time of day.

I believe I have mentioned this in other articles but I’ll repeat it because it saves you time. Americans are the biggest blog viewers around. I’m an American blogger. When I write, I write for the whole world in that I write on universal topics. When I schedule my articles to go out I take three things into consideration.

  1. What is my regional target?
  2. What age group am I targeting with the article?
  3. When will they be at work?

If your blog is geared toward, or article is specific to one region/area/country of the world then you need to consider what age group your largest amount of readers are in because of when they will be available to read the articles.

Being an American blogger I schedule my articles to publish normally around 9AM NYCT or Noon NYCT. Why? People primarily check blogs when they get to work and have settled in or they read them at lunch time. What about the rest of the USA or the world? The eastern seaboard has a massive readership. Leave your blog alone for a few days and everyone will get a chance to see it. Publish at lunch NYCT and you might be able to get lunch time eastern/NYCT and morning time in the western time  zones in the USA.

That being said I also publish according to the time zone for Britain. Why? I love British bloggers and want them to see my articles. That’s a five hour difference and that may hurt my views but sometimes I don’t really care. I just like to have fun with it. I reflex and schedule at certain times, but if I do think about it I change it up to Britain and sometimes Australia.


And that is a few ways to increase your views. If you’re having fun, it comes through in your work and people will have fun with you.


For the first 3 Ways to Increase Views and Make Your Life Easier.

Much Respect



2014 © Copyright-All rights



Blogging Tips: Why Isn’t Anyone Reading My Articles?

Why Isn’t Anyone Reading My Articles?

by: Ronovan

“I must stink as a writer! NO one is reading what I wrote.”

 Irate Man Cartoon


Admit it, you’ve felt that way. You may have even actually used stronger language. Go ahead and think about it while I close my eyes and ears…their sensitive you know.



You have a following for your site and you usually receive a decent amount of traffic and people who like what you write. Then BOOM! Nothing happens for one of your articles. What happened?


  1. They didn’t feel your article title
  2. The article blurb they saw in the preview didn’t grab them
  3. The image associated with the article turned them off
  4. The subject wasn’t what they were looking for
  5. You posted at the wrong time
  6. Your writing/content layout needed work


Step 1-Bait ‘Em (Grab their Attention)

Just like with a novel at a store or online that first impression is what counts. You need a grabber title along with an appropriate image that is inviting to the reader that matches the title and subject matter if you use an image at all. My advice is to use an image if possible.


Step 2-Hook ‘Em (Make them Click More)

You have their attention to read your first few sentences in the preview. Make those first lines count. I have my ways of doing it, and keep working on improving them all the time. Remember it changes depending on the type of article you are writing as well. But you have less time to set that hook and make them click more than someone with a novel in a bookstore does.


Step 3-Be Aware/Relevant

I wrote an article called ‘10 Forgotten Male Solo Artists of the 1980s’. Barely any views or likes came of it. I knew I was pushing it with it. I knew it wouldn’t go over well. Why did I know it? Because my readership is interested in writing both how to and reading things I come up with in this crazy mind of mine. I spent a lot of time on the article but I did so because it was fun for me and was just one of the pieces I was putting out for the day. Yes, you can put out material just for fun. Was it informative? Yes, there were bits of trivia, and the video for each year.


Just know that when you put something out there that is out of your normal content that you may not receive much success, but don’t be afraid to try it. They’ll come back as long as you don’t keep putting out what your site has been traditionally about.


Step 4-Check Your Content

You wrote a relevant piece keeping in line with your site’s theme and still nothing happens. Compare your article with others. Was it useful information? Was it overly long? Were the paragraphs bulky/too long? Did you have too many images?


Have a friend read it and give you feed back. Just don’t give up on the article. I’ve had articles where I’ve tried to be too funny in the beginning and that turned people off. I had one very nice article that increased in views once I took out all of these unnecessary images. I had put a lot of time into it but I realized that’s not what my readers wanted to see.


I’ve reworded paragraphs to make them flow better and cut other paragraphs into two separate paragraphs or even made bullet points out of the content.


Step 5-Know When to Publish

This should be the Step 1 but it is a little bit of an odd one. Some people just look at the times of day to publish. You’ll see different opinions. I like to publish when people have just settled in at work and have checked messages and have a few minutes of free read time.


Other things to keep in mind:

  • Holidays
  • Summer weather
  • Sporting Events
  • Popular TV shows


I know that on certain holidays, like this past Mother’s Day in the US that my traffic would drop. I didn’t freak out. I know that Father’s Day is coming up in the US so again, traffic will drop for that Sunday. Know your viewers, where they are from, and you will help your understanding of why things happen. There might be some religious reasons traffic drops off and not just on Christmas Day. I know I have readers who come from every walk of life.


These have been some tips to help you with your content but mainly to help you understand and not freak out when your traffic drops off every now and then. It’s going to happen sometimes. But if you maintain the trust of your readers you can trust them to come back and more to follow.


© Copyright-All rights 12, 2014.


Blogging/Writing Tip: Use Animated Gif’s Wisely.

Blogging/Writing Tip: Use Animated Gif’s Wisely.

by: Ronovan

The animated Gif’s being used are hilarious at times, but sometimes too many take away from your content.

Just as you want to work on short paragraphs to encourage people to move on and keep their attention you also want to keep from distracting them from what you have worked on.

If possible place them either at the very beginning or very end to introduce a tone or leave the reader with some visual message on the way out.

gettyimages © Original Photo by Comstock

The other part of this is that using too many can actually make some people feel queasy or physically ill. They love your content but have to hold their hand over the Gif in order to read.

© Copyright-All rights 07, 2014.