Being Positive Support for Others.

Last week I wrote about The Importance of Being You. Coming to terms with who you are, admitting it, owning it, and not ALLOWING others to deny you of being who that person is, is THE defining moment of your life. And before people go in to the odd areas, this is being you that doesn’t harm other people. Okay? Just to make that clear. I’m not up for supporting your norm if it’s to watch child pornography.

You know, I really don’t understand that one. I really don’t. I somewhat in a way understand an adult watching another adult. I think we can all at least grasp that concept. But children? Really? If that’s your norm, seek help now.

Well, I went on a bit of a tangent there, and now back on the path of whatever is about to come out of these fingertips and onto this page. Frightening, I know.


Just as it is important that you ALLOW yourself to be you, yes, and others should ALLOW you to be you, well really you ALLOW them to keep you from being you, but just the same, YOU should not hamper others from being who THEY are meant to be.

I’ll use my son as an example. He has the potential to be anything he wants to be. I know many of us say that about our children and the reality is hogwash, but he really does. He has the intelligence, the athletic ability, musical talent, artistic talent, creativity, and even the looks to be whatever he wants to be. I mention looks in case he wants to be a Calvin Klein model someday. Disturbing as that may be. If Marky Mark can do it and become a famous actor after having assaulted a person of another ethnic background then I tell you my very loving son can do it too.

Are these my opinions? Yes and no. They are but they are also the opinions of many other objective people. But the family unit needs to ALLOW him the freedom to find his way.

I may want him to be one thing, but he may not want to do that for whatever reason. I’m cool with it. He’s 10. He’s got lots of time to determine what he wants to do with his life. I’m just here to make sure he has the support, love, and guidance to get to that moment of decision.

Perhaps another parent subtly discourages an activity by being negative about it in a way that the child doesn’t even know it’s negativity. What if that negativity is denying the world of something amazing or revolutionary? WE never know what one thing might lead in to. This career might lead to saving the world through another totally unrelated career but one that came about through some weird link that only happened because of that first career.


I’ve learned to just let it flow. Eventually my son will find what it is he wants to do. Right now? Baseball. And to be honest, if I am to be honest with myself, that’s what he’s shown a skill for from almost birth. He’s been able to throw a strike since he could stand and throw a ball. And he throws hard. But is that all?

He is great at many things. No one thing is likely to be your defining thing. No one thing will be his. He’s at that stage now where he is wanting to fit in and I am trying as best I can to guide him to keep looking around at everything he is interested in.

He hates being called one of the smartest kids in his grade by the other kids. Now that he plays sports things are calming a bit, but he is letting his grades just get the A grade instead of that high A where it should be. He’s in the Fourth Grade. I’m not going to throw a fit unless he just intentionally tanks something that makes no sense. I’m not letting that off the hook.

But I don’t allow my idea of what I THINK he should be or could be interfere with what he may WANT to be or SHOULD be. And I don’t let MY OWN self abilities and who I AM dictate who he is to be.

Lest We Forget

That’s one thing I think some people forget. Just because we want to be who we are and want to be doesn’t mean we are to interfere with what someone else wants to be, even if that happens to be something that may challenge our own desires.

As we want others to be not interfere with our positive environment we should contribute to their having one. We should be encouraging and motivational whenever possible. But don’t be over the top. That’s the key though. When is over the top? Perhaps that will be next week.

If you would like to read a companion article to this I wrote as a guest blog a couple of days go on the blog Meanings and Musing. The blog of Florence Thum an attorney and therapist out of Sydney, Australia, click Do you Know an Anthem Writer of the Next Generation?

How are you encouraging and positive in someone’s life?

How do you be encouraging without sending the wrong message of being more than just interested in encouragement?

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Inspiration Today



This is an excerpt from Aeneas Williams’ 2014 Football Hall of Fame induction speech. It is great for everyone in that the message is universal. Please take the time to read it and be inspired and motivated. This not about me and this site, this is about you and what’s ahead.

“Hey, let me tell you first thing, begin with the end in mind.  People say what’s it like to be up here?  I’m going to tell you what it’s like.  I learned write down what’s in your heart.  See, growing up I grew up in church, but I never gave my life to Christ.  I didn’t understand how God related to everyday life.  When I was growing up, I thought church was a religious deal.  You go sin for six days, then on the 7th day, empty your sin bucket and go do it again.

But I’m going to tell you something, I was on pace to graduate with my degree in accounting in three years and I don’t even like numbers.  My brother Achilles graduated with his degree in accounting in three and a half years.  He called me back and he said little brother, slow down.  You’ll be working the rest of your life.

Ladies and gentlemen, I tell you, it was at that time over the two years, freshman and sophomore year my uncle William and a guy named Michael Lindsey who was on Southern University’s football team who also played with me in high school.  He would always, and my uncle would always say, they called me Nicky in New Orleans, so if I hear aeneas_williams_touchdown_rams.jpgNicky, I know you know you’re from New Orleans.  And they would say, why don’t you play football?  I’m going to tell you why I didn’t play football because I didn’t know how God talked to you.  I would hear people say God talk to me.  I was standing next to them; I didn’t hear anything.  I tell you how you know.  A week before the season started my junior year in college, it was different.  Unlike the freshman, sophomore year.

In September, you football guys know when the weather changes.  It goes from dead hot summer to the fall.  We all know because it’s getting time right now.  We’re itching right now on this stage.  We know it’s getting ready to be football season.  Yeah, you fans know it’s getting ready to be football season.  So how do you know?  Some people say you got to be a Christian to know God talks to you.  No!  God is talking to us all the time.

How do you think I got on defense?  Troy Descano, when I was playing 95 pound ball, and we decided I was a big bad running back.  I emulated Larry Csonka.  I went out running, and we decided we hadn’t lost a game, and we decided we’re big and bad, we’re going to play the 110 pound guys, and Troy Descano was at the 110 pound guys.  I came through the hole, Troy hit me so hard.  I was on the ground wondering when I’m going to catch my next breath.  It was at that time God spoke to me.  You know what he said?  He said, “You got to be better hitting people than getting hit.”

So I’m telling you pay attention to the signs God’s giving you.  Back to the story, all of a sudden when it comes down to God talking my heart changed a week before the season started.  That’s what happened.  All of a sudden, it entered my heart to walk on the football team a week before the season starts.  Made no sense, but the first sensible thing I did was didn’t tell my parents.  I’m already on my parents’ dime.  I’m getting ready to finish, and I didn’t tell my home boys who were from New Orleans.  I walked on, started my fifth game Bayou Classic, that’s right, Bayou Classic, all you State people, it’s Southern University.  God’s favorite color is blue.

It was after the Bayou Classic after my second year playing, I read in the newspaper one of my coaches said, “Aeneas Williams is a good player, but I don’t think he’ll ever go pro because, at best he runs a 4.6, 40.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the difference when I learned the difference between facts and truth.  Facts were I did run a 4.6, 40.  The truth is I found my teammate Brian Thomas, and Brian, if you’re here, if you could stand up.  Brian was the fastest guy on Southern University’s track team and the fastest guy on Southern’s football team.  He was a wide receiver, and he was our Usain Bolt, 6’3″, and Brian wrote on his practice pants siren is speed, and speed kills.  I couldn’t cover him.  I’d lineup ten yards off Brian and he’d run right by me.

Brian had thing when he’d run by you he’d make this noise (imitating).  So when I read that I didn’t get bitter.  Some people spend their whole life to prove people wrong.  The goal is not to prove people wrong.  The goal is to reach youraeneas_williams_thanking_God_Cardinals.jpg potential.  The first thing I did was went to Brian Thomas because mentors are critical.  You have to find credible others.  I didn’t go to the offensive line.  I went to Brian.  I went to Brian after we had upset Grambling.  I said, Brian, can you help me get faster.  Brian Thomas looked me in the eyes like I’m looking at these Hall of Famers.  He said, Aeneas you can run a 4.3, 40.  It baffled my mind because all my life I’ve been a long distance guy.  They said you can’t have speed, you either got it or you don’t.

I said, Brian what do I do?  He said Aeneas, walk on the track team.  Now I’m in graduate school.  I’m going into January.  I’m going to finish my final season while in graduate school in the fall.  I said, Brian, what do we do?  He said get next to me because more is caught than taught.  I said, Brian, and we running, we working out.  All of a sudden we’re finished running, and Brian is walking like we hadn’t worked out.  I’m on the ground and my legs are telling me, Aeneas, you can keep this up or we through.  Ladies and gentlemen, by April of that spring, the scouts came and I ran a 4.3, 40.  I was the number two rated cornerback in all the country.”


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