Be A #BeWoW Blogger TOMORROW!!!

#BeWoW blogshare begins TOMORROW!

Write a post and tweet it with the hashtag of #BeWoW and I’ll RT it. Okay, I’ll RT it when I wake up. 🙂 And other bloggers will be RTing as well. Is RTing a word, well I mean like a social media word?

Make sure it’s a post that is positive, encouraging, uplifting. I think you get the message here. This is not for just a post you want to share. It MUST have the BeWoW message of positivity.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will try to RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

Here is my original article about it.

BeWoW stands for Be Wonderful on Wednesday. But really you don’t have to wait for Wednesdays. The idea is to post something about Wonderful on Wednesdays, though. It could be a  wonderful experience you had last week, a wonderful memory that came to you, something inspirational or motivational, maybe something encouraging, or just something that brings a feeling of wonderful to you that you want to share.ronovan writes

Each Wednesday a post will show up here on RonovanWrites about something Wonderful for me or maybe a BeWoW Guest Blogger will show up. Post a link to your Wonderful post in the comments to share with everyone.

I’ve been wanting to do a Wonderful Blogger Award but awards are very time consuming and are difficult for me, but writing about Wonderful is a lot easier. And I could even write about Wonderful Bloggers I’ve discovered as I’ve wandered Blog World.

Write a poem, a post, or pretty much anything that is Wonderful to you and share it. Look for the Post Wednesday just after midnight EST. That’s New York City time for people like me that don’t know. And if there aren’t many that post, or no one at all, my post about Wonderful will still be here. Regardless, Tweet your post with the hashtag #BeWoW and as soon as I wake up, I will start RT everything positive I see. You do the same. Share!

ronovan writes copyrightThis is the badge you can use if you like to put in your post and/or your sidebar. My side bar I found that 210×210 pixels is as large as it goes and shows everything. Why is there a copyright in the picture? My son “B” and I took the picture. He did blew the Bubbles while I was on the grown looking up at the sky. He loved popping it and splashing me with the water. Hey, I thought it was a good idea at the time. At least he laughed. And that’ why I chose it as the Wonderful image.

So what do you do?

  1. Create a post or choose one you have that meets the encouraging/positive/wonderful definition.
  2. Share that link from your blog here in the Wednesday BeWoW post I put out after midnight Wednesday EST. That way others that drop by here can go check you out if they like.
  3. When you share your post on Twitter use the hashtag #BeWoW, which I have registered and am the administrator of, on Wednesdays. We can all ReTweet what we see and like.
  4. You can include my twitter handle of @RonovanWrites in your Tweet and I will try to RT everything I see that is positive. Please don’t use this for anything but positive things.
  5. Probably Tweeting is the big part of this for some of you. You don’t HAVE to come to my post and comment, but if you would like to and get some people that don’t do Twitter, then go for it.
  6. If you don’t have Twitter, the original idea for this was for sharing amongst Blog World so drop in here and share.
  7. If you just can’t wait until Wednesday? Post and share later and just make sure to Tweet with the hashtag #BeWow and my handle if you remember and the RT will begin.

I do hope you join in and BeWoW every day.

And if you do like the idea, please feel free to share this post by reblogging or tweeting or facebooking (is that a thing?) Goggle+ing? um, Linkedining? Okay, I’m having too much fun with this now.

Much Love


Ronovan Writes


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22 thoughts on “Be A #BeWoW Blogger TOMORROW!!!

  1. I would love to participate in #BeWoW Wednesdays! I even added that I’d be doing this on the Home page of my blog (adding your site info, of course)! Thanks for this idea!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hiya. 🙂 followed you through email since there isn’t a wordpress follow thing. Thank you so much for adding me to your weekly schedule. 🙂 Amazing. Love your photo on your About page!


  2. What a lovely idea! I don’t know that I can regularly create new content that will meet the guidelines (I try to keep my posts positive, but they aren’t specifically for that purpose), but I will definitely contribute when I can and try to visit the posts that others share. 🙂 Thanks for doing this!

    Liked by 1 person

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