One Lovely Blog Award From . . . Monika Cornec.


First of all, I apologize in the lateness of the acceptance of this award. I have never received this one and it brings a smile to my face, as do all of those who nominate me, each time I think about it. My blog being considered lovely by someone means a lot to me. It goes to show that no matter what one looks like or what one might be they may create something others find enjoyable, thus never consider anything you do to be not interesting or worthy of sharing. Someone will find it and connect with it.

I never would have called my blog lovely. But I do like it. And now I have the One Lovely Blog Award courtesy of Monika Cornec of monimorphism. “I appreciate good writing and individual expression. That is why I follow your Blog. I may not agree with everything you post but I admire the “way” you present it.”-Monika Cornec’s About.



There are a few guidelines that come with accepting this award.

1. Thank the person who nominated you for the award.

2. Display the One Lovely Blog Award on your Blog.

3. Share seven things about yourself.

4. Nominate fifteen Bloggers you admire. Inform them by commenting on their Blog.

Seven Things About Me

  1. It’s 3:23 AM right now and I am still awake. Most of you know why.
  2. I once picked up a sharp object off the ocean floor at the beach and it turned out to be a  sharks tooth. That was kind of cool.
  3. I have an about to be 10 year old son that can bat right and left handed. He did it naturally. Now he is trying to teach himself to pitch left handed as well. It’s going okay, but I stand well away from him.
  4. When I make a peanut butter sandwich I use creamy peanut butter and then put peanuts on it. It has a fresh taste to it and doesn’t have that chewy feeling like chunky peanut butter does.
  5. I can make homemade caramel and butterscotch sauce. And vanilla wafers too.
  6. I make homemade pizza chips. Fresh and seasoned the way you like and taste great. Baked not fried. 🙂
  7. I write poetry that makes people think I may be suicidal but I’m not. I have to let it out or I might turn that way. So no worries when you see the crazy poetry. It’s a good thing. 🙂 Just enjoy the insanity.


My Nominees


Eclectic odds n sods

Ways of Life

Her Other Lovely Sides

ReReading Jane Eyre

Jen’s Pen Den

Mizshazz Style

Active Army Wife


Inked Roses

The Showcase

Mara Eastern

Words with a View

Sweeter than Honey

The Lit Bear

Hugh’s Views & News

There are so many others that I enjoy and find beautiful and have not listed here. I believe as I do come across you I will share this award with you. You know the reasons for this forgetful mind. Just know that many of you will be receiving this award. I love all of my Friends here in this community, and I appreciate each one of you, new and familiar.


Again, thank  you to Monika for this special award. It does make one feel lovely.


Much Appreciation to you All



2014 © Copyright-All rights






Long & Luxe with Allison Maire-Interview Part 2

In my last article here on RonovanWrites I shared Part 1 of Allison Marie Long &Luxe The Real Sexy. Check out Part 1 if you would like to read in order. I won’t waste any more of your time.


Allison Marie

Long & Luxe

The Real Sexy


Ron Cover ShotRW: Allison, I have to say I am disappointed in you. You lied to me.  Okay you didn’t lie to me, I asked why Long & Luxe, and right now your answer IS what it means, but you started your site as a fashion tips site . . . come on . . . what was the real original meaning to Long & Luxe?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: You got me! So my original reason for L&L is kind of similar but more fashion angle – ready? My favorite song of ALL TIME is Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress by the Hollies – my favorite thing to wear is long flowing hair and a long maxi dress so luxe! Luxe to me was and is always about comfort – that is the ultimate luxury.



*****Ron Cover ShotRW: Perfect. This just shows how things mature and change over time, even a site now matures into something more than we thought it would be. I set Allison up for that question because I recalled that when we first met she said something about it had to do something with something from her earlier days. So yes, Allison Marie, I gotcha on this one! And you can all hear the song at the bottom of the screen and now you know why I have the slide show above today rather than yesterday.*****



Ron Cover ShotRW: We share a common bond in that we don’t write or blog to gain followers. I personally think of everyone that ends up clicking to follow my blog as Finding a new Friend. To me it’s more of a support thing than a following thing. What is your own personal philosophy of blogging?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: I know just what you mean. If you are up for the lengthy version of my answer on this question do feel free to check out my 25 Tips On Beginning A Blog That No One Else Will Tell You. It’s not only tips for beginners but also my blogging philosophy in general. For the quick and dirty summary, I offer you this quote from the article: “Don’t write for numbers. Numbers are OK left alone. Write for people. Write for people because people don’t want to be alone.” In a nutshell, that’s what always brings me back home.



Ron Cover ShotRW: I’ve found that many that do have the ability to care deep have been hurt deep.

Where does your deep heart come from? Is there a history?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: You know, I’m really not sure where my deep heart comes from. I was always a sensitive, empathetic, introverted type and studied psychology because I have always been very interested in people, why they think and feel as they do, what choices they make, and what philosophies they adopt as their own and why. I do think I love big and I hurt big and it just comes naturally. A friend of mine and I talk about being ‘empaths’ or people who feel what others are feeling. I suppose a lot of my inner conviction to follow my heart comes from my mom, who died eight years ago very young. The experience of seeing my mom go through tremendous physical trauma to fight her cancer, and then to go through dealing with her death, has taught me that nothing is guaranteed in this life. It’s up to us to love deep and spread love wide in the time we are here. It’s the only thing that really matters.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What tips do you have for someone to be able to keep blogging? For example do you have burnout tips?


ALLISON: Well, for sure my 25 Tips are my best gems so far. As for burnout I would say ask yourself why you got started in the first place and go from there. Maybe you need to go in a new direction? Maybe you need to post less often? What is so important to you that you couldn’t go another day without sharing – write and publish about that. I would also say that the more authentic your writing and connecting, the more likely you are to want to stick around. It becomes part of who you are, your way of sharing – of giving and receiving.


Ron Cover ShotRW: How is the family with all of your blogging?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: My husband is thrilled that I found blogging. I think I’m kind of a pain in the ass when I don’t have a creative outlet and this one seems to suit me quite well. The rest of the family doesn’t really get that involved. My blog isn’t for everyone and that’s totally ok with me. I think it should be that way – if you are writing from your soul, some people will groove with that and some won’t. It’s your job to stay true to you. It’s sort of a good life lesson as well.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Where does the hippy chick come from?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: My mom, I think! It’s so funny you say that because in all honesty I don’t know why I connect to the peace, love and grooviness vibe but it shows up in my world all the time. I love the music and clothing of that time and I love the peaceful revolutionary mindset of possibility and change. I have been channeling my mom’s spirit more and more lately and from what I understand she was quite an earth angel back in the day. I believe that love and peace can change the world. There’s a freedom of spirit there that – you guessed it – I dig. We are going through a time of global awakening and people are looking to come back to center, through meditation and mindfulness and a re-evaluation of our priorities. We know as a species that we need to change in some fundamental ways if we want to protect our precious lives and our planet. Greed will not get us there – love will. That is why I think my old soul always finds its way back to a peaceful revolutionary place.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What is your favorite scent?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: The beach. There’s no way to bottle it – you’ve got to sit in the sand and breathe with the wind and the salt spray and the waves.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What is your favorite beverage?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: A crisp, lemongrassy Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand


Ron Cover ShotRW: What is your favorite word and why?


allison_long_luxeALLISON: LOVE. Because it’s everything.


I doubt anyone was surprised with that last answer. Even though I had never asked her before, when that word came back to me, it was no surprise at all.  I want to thank Allison for the interview and those great answers that turned some simple questions into what I think will be some life eye openers for some who read this interview series.

I leave you with . . .


Much Respect



2014 © Copyright-All rights

My Writing: The What, the Why, the How, and one other thing I forget . . .

Participating in a Blog Hop is something you can’t turn down. I guess you can, but when . . .


 Jenna Willett of Jen’s Pen Den




. . . asked if I would participate, how could I say no? I doubt she hears no very often. She’s a great source of a lot of writing advice. She finds the articles and then posts them with her own comments from writing experience and links back to the articles she’s found. She’s not just a sharer, she’s a liver of it, and a doer of it. She’s living in our world of writing. Definitely click the Link above the top photo for her answer to the questions I’m about to answer. I mean, she’s sold a book to a studio?



Now to me. I know . . . but it’s part of the deal. Over time answers change to the same questions of life. It all depends on where you are in whatever aspect of life is being asked about. The longer I write and blog the more the answers change and mature.

1)      What am I working on?

I am a varied book of writing ideas. I continue to try and work on a YA novel revise and edit. That SHOULD be at the forefront of my priorities, followed by my New Adult/Adult Romance, then my Blog. However, with the thoughts that keep rushing to my head, my absence of impulse control and lack of filter due to a concussion the Blog tends to lead the way and is quite enjoyable.


The YA book is about siblings that find themselves in predicaments. I really can’t say much more than that. I believe it to be a fairly original idea. Perhaps it is no overly original but I like to think it is a good idea.


The Romance is actually the second in a series of a Romance trilogy I was working on. The first I began revising to put more of my voice into it, but recently realized the second is actually the better overall and that I could really throw myself into it. The main character is a man with heart and great love for the love of his life and I think I can put myself into that character and connect with him more.


2)      How does my work differ from other genres?

I’ll take this by threes again. My Blog is more than a hodgepodge. If it comes into my mind it comes out of my fingertips. I’ve learned that no matter what we share on a blog that someone will find it and connect with it. It may not be a hit with everyone, but one connection is all the satisfaction one needs sometimes. My site is called RonovanWrites and that’s exactly what I do. I write . . . anything and everything . . . tastefully so or at least I hope so.


In my YA writing I try to give the young characters more depth than perhaps people realize is there. There are more layers to young people than we think. Having been a teacher and then especially having been involved in Youth Ministry I really paid attention to and WANTED to understand what those layers were. I never assumed that ‘what you see is what you get’ with a student. You can say the same about a reader.


My Romance writing is, well . . . in this second book which I want to become the main book, I do more than just give you the man’s view I give you his everything. It’s a very different sort of love story, I believe in how I handle it. It is very much how I feel about love.



3)      Why do I write what I do?

On the Blog it’s a creative outlet that actually helps me with my novel writing. I’ve discovered that through all of the articles I’ve written that I have a certain voice and style that I have had trouble finding as a writer of novels. Also it allows me to release a lot of internal things that occur due to pain from illnesses and other emotional experiences.


I love young people so the YA is something I truly enjoy. I connect with young people and I really love them. There needs to be books that are better for them to read than a lot that are out there right now.


Romance and New Adult or Adult focused material is obviously something I can really get into, and this particular novel is just truly something I can become a part of because it’s already a part of me.



4)      How does my writing process work?

For the Blog I’ll be having a conversation and it starts me to thinking about an article, or just a word will lead me to a poem. Even the mistreatment of my friends begins a creation. Normally whatever comes out the fingertips is what ends up being put out there. I edit very little. I give my Friends, as I call those who read my blog, my honesty.


For YA I get a general idea of what I want and then start free writing. If it’s going well then I know I have something. Sometimes I’ll end up a sketch outline over future chapters, more like quick ‘To Remember’ things. I actually keep a word document up called ‘(Title of WIP) To Remember) and quickly make note of an idea or even of something that I am writing that might change something that happened previously, and also any research that I want to do.


Romance is a bit similar to YA but I let the heart lead the way. Outlining isn’t as much on the plate. I know you might be able to do some type of rough sketch outline of a general place you want to go, but I just think that, for me using the heart in this one, I can’t outline or tell it where to go. You can’t tell your heart what to feel and you can’t tell it where to go . . . it just goes where it wants to.


After I write a manuscript I then try to walk away for a bit. Recently I even had the YA novel read by a mother and teen daughter to get their thoughts. The daughter is the target audience and the mother of course is someone who might approve the purchase or even make it on her own.

The first draft went fairly well but as I said there are a few areas I need to work on and some of those areas I discovered in conversations with the woman and her daughter. They didn’t even realize they were telling me what I needed to know at this point but it was even better than the notes that I had been given, because the book just came up in conversation and wasn’t a main thought. I was able to get what they remembered and enjoyed.

I think going back and talking to readers a deal of time after they’ve read a book is actually a great way to determine if you wrote a great story, or at least what were the great parts.

Now I am taking what I learned and revising. It’s been a few months since I’ve touched the book. It’s time.



Again I want to thank Jenna for asking me to be a part of this Writing Blog Hop. Everyone, really go check out Jen’s Pen Den and you’ll find articles with great info with links to great information as well.


Now for the next ones for you to be on the look out for their answers to the questions are:


The WorldMight Cover

cyril.bussiereCyril Bussiere-You’ll recognize the name as some of you already follow his blog. This will be an opportunity to see how he writes and answers to the other questions above. The questions I SHOULD have asked. His book The WorldMight is at Amazon, click here to see it. .


Eloise_De_SousaEloise De Sousa-You might know her better as Thoughts by Mello-Elo. Her books are available from amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBookstore, kindle, kobo, and Follow her on Twitter at .


+Luccia GrayAll_Hallows_at_Eyre_Hall-Many of us know her already through her blog Rereading Jane Eyre.  Her book All Hallows At Eyre Hall is available at Amazon. Click here to see.  Follower her on Twitter at .



As the three come out I will also Reblog them here on RonovanWrites so no one misses them.


Much Respect



2014 © Copyright-All rights

Cross Culture Interview with: Nishi Pal

What happens when a woman from one culture finds herself set down in the middle of another, literally half a world away? Why she ends up doing a Cross Culture Interview with me of course. From The Showcase . . .


Meet Nishi Pal

Nishi Head Shot



Ron Cover ShotRW: First of all for those who haven’t met you yet, tell us a little about where you grew up and where you happen to find yourself living today?


NishiNISHI: My family is from India that is where I was raised and where I went to school and college. I currently live in Salt lake City, Utah, USA


Ron Cover ShotRW: How did you come to move to the US? Was it a difficult decision to move half a world away from your home?


NishiNISHI: It was definitely not an easy decision, however not the most difficult. In spite of the hours I was putting in I was enjoying my work at the bank where I worked. But situations were changing as I had become a first time mum to a beautiful baby girl. She needed me but since I had my family to support me in taking care of her I continued to keep my job.That’s when my husband got the opportunity from work to come to the US on a project and so you could say it was a decision in the best interests of my family.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Nishi, what have you found to be the biggest difference between India and Salt Lake City where you live now?


NishiNISHI: There are so many differences from where I come from – India and here demographics, the people, the culture. India is the land of the ancient Indus Valley civilization and home to 1.2 billion people making it the second largest country in the world. With 29 states and 7 union territories divided into four regions – North, Taj_MahalSouth, East and West we have people speaking over 30 languages and numerous other dialects with Hindi and English considered the language for official communication. India home of the Taj Mahal, is considered a mega diverse country with its widespread and unique bio diversity which makes it a hot tourist destination.

Salt Lake City is a very lovely place very rich in natural beauty. What I  would note as the biggest difference between India and the US would be in the public infrastructure and the medical care system here. India in spite of being such a large country lags behind when it comes to roads. The roads in the US are much wider and public infrastructure is very well managed however, medical care is so much cheaper in India and hassle free.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What do you think of the political atmosphere in the US and how does it compare to that of India?

NishiNISHI: This is not a question that I can answer in a couple of sentences but I’ll start off with the similarities; both the US and India are democracies and in both countries citizens enjoy a lot of freedoms. However, when you have a two party system here . . . in India we have several political parties and small regional parties so the diversity of the nation shows even in its politics.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What was your life like back home as far as how people in the US would find different or unusual than an American would be accustomed to?


NishiNISHI: In India life for me revolved mostly around work and home.When in America people are more accustomed to an 8 hour work schedule, in India we tend to extend the hours to 10 maybe even 12..Its not the rule but it happens. Also in India we have a very close knit family structure and when in America you move out of your parents homes when you are 18, in India  we continue to stay until we get married and even then many people live close by their parents or even take care of them in their old age so you don’t exactly miss out on family time. 

But in general Americans would find India crowded and chaotic.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What would you say was the biggest challenge when you first moved to the US?


NishiNISHI: Getting to places on my own used to be a challenge initially. Here I’ve noticed you have the system where places where you shop are far from residential areas so without a driver’s license and a car it was tough to get to places on your own. That was a challenge.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What do you think your American friends find the most surprising about you?


NishiNISHI: American friends find the fact that I had an arranged marriage very surprising. Here I guess the girl and the boy fall in love and then let the parents know but in India majority of the marriages are arranged and fixed by the families of the bride and the groom.Which is not as bad a situation as it seems.. 🙂


Ron Cover ShotRW: We’ve talked about the differences and challenges, what if any are some surprising similarities between your home and the US?


NishiNISHI: The retail experience is similar I think..A by product of globalization no doubt.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What do you miss about home?


NishiNISHI: My Family and friends.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Of course, are there special things such as favorite foods from home you have a difficult time finding in the US?


NishiNISHI: I’ve found there are Indian stores here that sell Indian food and they seem to have everything – the spices, the mixes – everything we need. So not much difficulty there.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Now I want to ask a few questions about your Blogging. Starting a blog can be an impulse but working a blog is more than that. What brought you to create your blog and what keeps you engaging in it?


NishiNISHI: Yes, Ron, you are right, you could say it starts off on an impulse. Writing I feel is for me a highly meditative and therapeutic experience. I was looking at blogging as a creative outlet, a space where I could just write and express myself. With time I realised to make your blogging experience worth the while, to maintain the momentum, was not always so easy you have those phases…where you feel your mind is like fallow uncultivated land land and you look for seeds of inspiration to feel alive again. Not all of us are lucky like you Ron.. 😉

What keeps me engaged would be a sense of commitment to continue and develop what I started…also the positive vibes and the energy that I receive from the comments and feed back of my fellow bloggers and the wisdom and knowledge they share through their blogs.


Ron Cover ShotRW: You don’t often write stories but more often slice of life articles and poems, is there a hidden author inside waiting to escape? If so, what would you like to write?


NishiNISHI: I’m still experimenting and learning, Ron. Serious writing is something I would consider pursuing down the line. Maybe a historical novel . . . I’m not sure. It’s too early to say still.


(Note: I knew Nishi was a writer, I was already following her blog, but then she wrote a piece that jumped out and showed me what she could really do. It was called ‘My Best Friend’.)


Ron Cover ShotRW: What about blogging has been the most surprising to you?


NishiNISHI: What most surprised me is the strong network of bloggers or as I would like to consider them the wonderful new friends I have made here at WordPress. Their varied talents and the rich experiences just take my breath away every time. My friends in blogging have opened my eyes to a lot of new things. Also, I’ve learnt a lot about myself in the process.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Where would you like to see your blog head as far as content and what it represents?


NishiNISHI: I would like to see it grow creatively and with respect to the quality of the work I put out. I would like for it to represent me as the best possible version of me as only then will others benefit from reading what I write and what I have to offer.


Ron Cover ShotRW: Now for a few fun things, what is your favorite scent or smell or aroma and why?


NishiNISHI: I love roses. I’ve always loved the scent of roses also since Roses are associated to my birth month June. But, since we are doing a cross cultural piece one smell that I love and reminds me of my home in India is the smell of jasmines. My mother used to wear a perfume that had the smell of jasmine also we had a couple of jasmine bushes behind our home. It’s the most refreshing smell when you wake up in the morning and step into the backyard . . . the dewy morning air mixed with the scent of fresh jasmine flowers. Divine!


Ron Cover ShotRW: What’s your favorite thing about where you live now?Salt Lake City Mountains


NishiNISHI: I love Salt lake City simply love the place!  My most favorite thing would be the mountains surrounding the place that we live. In the mornings stepping out into the balcony and just looking at them relaxes me.


Ron Cover ShotRW: What is your favorite word and why?


NishiNISHI: I don’t use this word often and I know it sounds funny but I like the word ‘Splendid!’ and how it sounds.. Splendid isn’t it?


Ron Cover ShotRW: Splendid indeed.



I want to thank Nishi for joining us today and agreeing to this interview. I enjoy following her blog The Showcase and I also follow her Tweets. I suggest you all visit her blog and get your enjoy on.


Cultures are varied but we find they are so much alike in many ways. Our internet world has made it easier to learn about each other. We just need to take advantage of it and maybe we can make this world better and more united. Perhaps we may even rid ourselves of the misconceptions we are fed.


Until the next Cross Culture Feature,

Much Respect



© Copyright-All rights

Brave Heart Award

Brave Heart Award

Brave Heart Award

The lady of Embracing a Wounded Soul honored me with this award. I had never heard of it before now, but I think I like it. I don’t know if I would call myself brave but I do have a heart. So I’ll take half credit for it. The lady deserves it for sure.

  • Tell us a little bit about your blog. Who designed it?
The Theme is a free one from WordPress and I have put together the look and feel of it to match the place I was in at the time I began the blog. I’ve thought of changing it a little but each time something seems to make the look appropriate. I’ve done a bit of experimenting with the various aspects available to come up with something a little different here and there.


  • What is the title and description of your blog?
 RonovanWrites. Author of MG/YA/NA/A Fiction through the eyes of a Lost Mind.


  • Who is your intended audience? Whoever happens to wander through. I want to be a place people can come for a little variety, enjoyment, and understanding.


  • How did you come up with the title of your blog? My name is Ronovan and I write . . . anything and everything. If people are wondering about the Lost Mind part, well, that has to do with amnesia.


  • Give us an interesting fun fact about your blog. It will be 3 months old on July 17 and I put out at least 3 pieces of content each day. Why? I’m nuts.


  • What other blogs do you own and what makes them alike? I have some in the thought process but not sure if I will actually do anything. I do have an actual website that isn’t hosted, why, money. It’s, very original, huh?


  • Do you have any unique talents or hobbies? Talents? Hmm, I can teach little girls to drive golf carts. Actually I don’t know of any. Hobbies? I write. Unique ones? I love people. Actually maybe one talent is the ability to listen and just be open to actually listening to what others have to say and putting aside my own feelings in order to try and help them to get to where they need to be.


  • What can we expect from you in the future? I need to, as they say down in my part of the country, hunker down . . . and get to work on revising my YA novel. I just this week started three Haiku Challenges and have Author, Cross Culture and Blogger Interviews on the way. But in truth, I want to get back to more of the writing, although I am learning a great deal about writing in everything I do. I have found the more you write, no matter the kind of writing, you learn, you learn your voice, and you learn your art. Oh, and I also have a second book in a romance novel trilogy that I was writing that I actually want to do possibly as a stand alone book instead. It’s a bit of a unique take on romance I think. I’ve found my writer’s voice now, I think I can do something more with it.


  • Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers/bloggers? I like to say that tips from me are like chastity and relationship tips from the Kardashians, not worth much. But I suppose for writing . . . keep writing, read a lot, and not just books, but anything you can get your hands on. I read blogs of other writers and learn what does and does not work. For Bloggers . . . just don’t stop. Proofread what you put out, preview before you publish, take advice from other bloggers, engage with your those who comment on your articles and posts, and do not argue with an internet troll. Don’t feed the trolls. Also don’t be afraid to experiment with your blog early on. Also always be honest. A reader can smell a fake a mile away and won’t come back.


  • Before you go, could you share a snippet from your blog? I will share a post I wrote once. “I don’t write poetry, I write micro chapters of my life.”


I would like to nominate the following blogs for the Braveheart Award:

To be honest I don’t know what constitutes a brave heart for this award. We all have them. We all live each day and don’t give up. Perhaps those who are willing to give of their hearts even when they know it won’t turn out well for themselves or perhaps follow their hearts when it won’t make loved ones happy.


I suppose Kate of DazzlingWhimsy comes to mind as she raises her daughters by working so hard. I don’t know how she does it all, but she does. I’m not sure her girls even realize what all she does yet, but they will someday. Moms don’t come better than this one.

I think Cielo of Ways of Life for loving as she does and showing fun on her website. A brave front and brave face to go with a bravery to follow her brave heart. I read her site and see these funny articles and all of her fascination with makeup and I know there is more behind it. She’s helped me understand there is a lot more to people sometimes than you think. She’s a good one folks. Just don’t tell her I said that.

Hannah of Inked Roses comes to mind for bravery to throw herself out and into her writing in spite of her tendency to hold back. I want that brave heart to break a lot of walls down.


I think the rules are to answer the above questions, post the award, link back to who gave it to you and nominate others.


Much Respect


Very Inspiring Blogger Awards . . .

Very Inspring Blogger Award


Hello Everyone,

I normally don’t like to group awards together but things are getting a little rough for the old Lost Mind of late. He’s starting to struggle a bit. The flames are beginning to be felt.

I recently was nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by TWO wonderful and talented ladies.

First to arrive was Hilary of The Joy of Writing. I was pleased with this award coming from a fellow educator and one with a “Master’s degree in Secondary Education with a specialization in English”. (Please no proofreading, Hilary.) Hilary has the tips we all need. If you come to my site to be a better writer, I should have a header photo sign saying go to Hilary’s site instead. We met through The Blogging U Writing 101 June Class.

Then Hannah from Inked Roses arrived. A lovely young lady who I greatly admire in many ways. We met through The Blogging U Writing 101 June Class and my admiration has grown all the more since. I wait eagerly for each of her new works to arrive.

Here are the rules for accepting the award:

  1. Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
  2. List the rules and display the award.
  3. Share seven facts about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
  5. Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.


Seven Facts that I haven’t Revealed so Far?

1. I have attempted to go Vegetarian but it’s a bit difficult without a little bit of support from the Grocery Shoppers when one cannot get out often.


2. I enjoy writing poetry as a visual art in that I once I finish a piece I look and see if there is some form to it that with a slight wonder change can give an artistic shape to it, or I space the lines and stanzas out among photographs to act as accents or frames for my words.


3. My writing seems to be supportive of women in their individuality, equality and my adoration for them as an amazing creation above all other creations.


4. I dislike people who like to hear themselves talk or type when they actually have nothing to say at all.


5. I once won a speed skating contest in my younger days.


6. The more I write the more I discover that there is more I don’t know about writing and the more things I wish to write about.


7. I am always about 3 minutes away from burnout in blogging but without it I am lost.


My nominations for this award will be brief:


Jennifer of THE THINGS I YELL AT MY TELEVISION. “I got tired of going hoarse screaming at the television, computer monitor, and radio, so I decided to start a blog to share my illuminating thoughts and reflections on life in the modern world with all of you, or with my mom, because I think she might be the only one who ever sees this.” Look at the name of the blog. Do I really need to do anything or say anything to get you to click that? Didn’t think so.


Christine of The Journeyman’s Moments. “I am a dreamer who dreams of perfection but to say that would be to relinquish most of my imperfections too. Quite impossible, I have my own weaknesses. We all have. But I pursue where I do good and not the other way around.”


Sarah of The Lit Bear  “Before she ever learned her first words (which took little time), her old Choctaw grandfather bestowed upon her a second name: Bear.” Poetry and Fiction and she says she can really pull of the short hair look, and that it makes her feel like a real bad . . . well you use what word you wish.


Justine of Eclectic odds n sods. “The above picture kind of sums me up and the ‘feeling’ predominantly filtering through most of this blog.  No I am not a troll, but doesn’t he have the look of being a ‘right little ole cheeky monkey?’” And that is what you get from Justine. I need humor in my life and this is one place I go to find it. I never know what to expect and at times that’s just what you want. She’s a wedge of her life type of writer. (I have become disenchanted with typing slice of life, although I know that fits, well sometimes hers is a wedge.)


Linda of STUDY GOD’S WORD. “Often, as I study, I hear my dad’s words in my memory as well as those of other great men and women of the Word  that it has been my privilege to hear over the years.” If I need to explain what her blog is about . . . well okay. Visit her to Study the Bible. She shares the message. I may write anything and everything within reason but I always try to remain a decent person. I had even thought of doing my own Bible related blog at one point, but my ministry is elsewhere.


Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News. “Based in Hove, East Sussex, in the United Kingdom, I write about all kinds of everyday life and what it brings to us all. Nothing too serious, most of the time just about the little things in life and how important they can be to all of us. Some of my blogs will be humorous, while others may bring a tear to the eye.” Fiction, life, photography. He keeps things varied. I seem to really enjoy is photography and I also appreciate his comments on my articles. That seems to be something those on the list so far have in common. It seems those that are inspiring seem to be the ones that do reach out and connect with others. I appreciate Hugh for that as well as everyone else. Hugh actually commented recently and made me rethink a way of writing articles. He doesn’t know it, but perhaps I will notice what it is someday.


Mikhaeyla of [w]rite of passage. A writer with a nice way with words. Vague enough? Visit the site. I’ve put in quotes from the About pages so far, but this time I have only seven words to say. Pearl Jam and To Kill A Mockingbird.

Florence of Meanings and Musings. “I embody these – ‘child of the Universe’, counselor, daughter, educator, friend, lawyer, lover, mother, psychotherapist, sister, wife – and many more. What do they reflect, I wonder. 🙂 ”


I am not sure how many nominees that was. To those I didn’t nominate, I know I should have, I apologize, I will do so in time when the names I can attach to faces. When you don’t know what day it is, it’s  can be a bit difficult to remember a few other things at times.


Again I am honored by the nominations. I hope that I at some point live up to deserving the award.


Much Appreciation


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Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Be Inspired.

Very Inspring Blogger Award


Sometimes things come out of the blue. For me most of the do. Yes I can make a joke or two. But I only will get by with a few.

One of those out of the blue moments occurred when I received this particular Very Inspiring Blogger Award from Be Inspired. In all honesty from the site I believe I will be enjoying digger deeper into what is to be found there. Then on top of that to know who nominated this particular site makes it even more interesting, StantonSunshine.

I encourage you all to visit both sites to see why they received their nominations. I don’t think it will take you long.


1.Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
2.List the rules and display the award.
3.Share seven facts about yourself.
4.Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.
5.Proudly display the award logo on your blog and follow the blogger who nominated you.



I’ve decided to do my seven facts a little different than usual. Since this is the Inspiring Blogger Award I wanted to share some facts that I hope might inspire someone reading. And if you do go to my page and read my work, just know some of it is just getting things out of my head to get rid of it. That’s the great thing about writing, getting rid of the clutter.


The Facts:


After high school I didn’t go straight into college. I worked for a few years at various jobs. Once I was ready, I was ready. I made the Dean’s List and all of that type of thing. I mention this because some people feel pressure to immediately go to college or some feel that it’s been too long to go to college. You’ll know when.


I didn’t have the greatest biological father. A lot of people can say that. For some it may pretty much destroy their lives. I ended up with a great step-father, who I refer to as my father now. But as a result of those early years I have a love of children, not necessarily wanting to throw myself into the middle of a bunch of 1st Graders, but I love to see happy kids. Whenever I would work in a classroom of young ones the inevitable would happen . . . the lap time. Of course I would then stand up the rest of the day. I know I may look like a big teddy bear, but there are some things you just have to be aware of these days. But I’m good with kids even though I say they’re not my specialty in the education field.


The first girlfriend I had basically was using me to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. It didn’t last long. I wasn’t happy about it, but as time went by I realized some people aren’t worth the memories.


Prayer works. I know it does because I’ve seen it in action. People say things happen by coincidence. No, not so much. I’ve prayed specifics and they’ve happened. I’ve prayed for things doctors have said would never happen, and they happened. I know God doesn’t always answer us the way we want Him to, or sometimes people don’t realize the answer has been given, but it’s there. I didn’t become a comic book artist. Does that mean God didn’t answer that prayer? No, it means He said no, or it might even be a ‘wait’. But I turned to writing.


I am drawn to those who need help in some way. It doesn’t start out as such but somehow over time I discover I am in a new friendship for a purpose. Again, I don’t believe in coincidences. I may help that person to the point of mental and physical exhaustion, but I will help them. And I know that the friendship will probably move on and away at some point but I like to hope I leave the person in a better way than when I stumbled upon them.



I was about three months away from being diagnosed as diabetic when I had a fall that changed my life. I was already on high blood pressure medicine so add being diabetic to that and wow. But the doctor was giving me a chance. After the checkup I then had the fall. There was nothing I could do with my life at that point but I knew somehow that I needed to lose weight. At the next checkup after the accident I was no longer prediabetic, and I no longer am on high blood pressure medicine. I set my mind . . . no, I changed my mind to know I could do something and I did it.


I have Fibromyalgia and Migraines, along with Osteoarthritis. I’m in my early 40s. I face a future without the ability to work, and judgments of people who see a healthy me and wondering why I am a lazy bum. I blog. I share whatever comes to this odd mind of mine and somehow some of it speaks to some people. I can stop when the pain gets too bad. I don’t get paid in money, but I feel I have worth. As for being a lazy bum? It’s kind of funny. I would kind of like to wander around their home one day unannounced and see how perfect their home is and their life is. The people that count in my life understand me and that’s all that matters.



What makes some qualify as an Inspiring Blogger to me? I believe for one I have to be able to connect in some way to the person behind the blog. There also needs to be something more than just talent. I look for sincerity behind the mirror that is my laptop screen.

These are in no particular order:

Brett of Brett’s Future-A recent addition to my family of Reader Friends, Brett and I share some similarities, partly being of comparable age and insanity of having done the corporate world angle to now venture into the world of words.


Hannah at Inked Roses-I met Hannah during Writing 101 for Blogging University. I have to say that I’ve seen her comment and pop up from time to time around my blog and there is always a sense of honesty in her likes. I enjoy that. Revisiting her site for this award I am blown away by her storytelling.  Her Writing 101 material is dead on and she shared things in a way I couldn’t.  A great writer with a delicate touch. I want that, but I’m heavy handed and plodding. I admire her. I want her to do more. I want to see what else she can do. That wanting inspires me. Know what I mean? If you don’t want more are you inspired?


KiwiBee at Snap Thoughts-Life is an adventure for this young lady. I admire her exploring her world. Looking at her blog more for this award I am more inspired than when I first selected her. An American in Paris? No, try South Korea. From Wyoming to South Korea? Read her About to find out. I love journal entry style she uses, and the photography of the country she now lives in. Her and her fiance also have another blog together Korea Bound that I am about to start looking into.


Dazzling Whimsy– I’ve followed her blog since she began and the inspiring part is how it has become a bright and shining spot to escape to. Her photography is of everything around her with beautiful flowers and daughters, and yes the daughters are little girls with brown and or hazel eyes. So of course I was sucked into that world. Take a look at her articles and you see a Mom who loves her kids and apparently does everything possible to give them the best life she can. Who isn’t inspired by that? Also she doesn’t just share a photo she also gives a story behind it. I like that for an occasional change if the is a real story to tell. She has the stories.


I am supposed to nominate many more, but over the course of time I’ve been through many and I follow so many blogs that it’s difficult to keep all of them sorted properly. My apologies but at times the combination of concussion recovery and Fibromyalgia take their toll and now is one of those times. I will nominate others at another time perhaps once things are better but for now I believe I have given quality blogs for you to take a look at. They are different from each other and I believe you will find enjoyment with each.


Much Respect



Cielos hit a blogging milestone ! 100+ followers. YAY for HER!

Everyone stop by Ways of Life and give a congrats and help her on her way to the next 100, 500, 1000. Wait a minute. She’s going to have more than me. Never mind. Stay right here and ignore this. Hrmph.

Ways of life

About two month ago, I decided to start a blog.   I wasn’t even sure how to write/ post an article at first.  I had almost no hopes that anyone  would be stopping by my blog.  But that was then and now this happened!


This is such a humbling experience.  Along the way I had the opportunity to interact with some truly talented people.  There are so many wise, humorous and  brilliant people on the  blogosphere and I get to learn so much from them  everyday.

This is the incentive to get me working even more hard on my blog.  All my followers and fellow bloggers are extremely dear to me and so are their opinions.  I want to get as much input from my followers as to what kind of content they expect and/or want me  to work more on as possible.  Every suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you again…

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My Follows For Inspiration Friday

My Follows For Inspiration Friday

by: Ronovan Great photography site. Has different shots you don’t always think of. Good for a writer wanting to get an idea of how things look. Mixture of writing and nice photography. The Photography is of South Korea and things you don’t normally get to see. I really enjoy this one a lot. Can’t wait for more photos. Aarya and Veda combine to bring two styles to one great site. Some of you already follow them but they give an inside look into the culture in India that I greatly enjoy. I find that there are more similarities than differences in the various societies by reading their articles. Well worth the reading. They really share emotions and are very honest in their writing. New to our WordPress family, this site brings beautiful photography of Hawaii with poetry to match. The lady behind it also opens up with feelings about various topics and gives us some history of the islands through her photos and her words. Always a nice visit. I like this site a lot because I am always surprised at what I’ll see next but I always know it’ll be good. A great supporter and commenter for my blogs, with honest feedback which is always a plus in my book.


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