Hanging High II- a poem.

Hanging High II

ferns hanging so high
shade like fingers ere the sun
cool refreshing breeze

cool refreshing breeze
calm the earth’s infestation
raging upon high

raging upon high
ire turns to self-reflection
with refreshing view

with refreshing view
all things are achievable
when control is high


How to Write a Haiku in English Form

How to Write a Shi Rensa or Four Chain Haiku.

A haiku for this week’s Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge of HIGH and Refresh.

Haiku Challenge

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© 2021-  Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

Life’s Ebb and Flow – a poem

Life’s Ebb and Flow

heat flows through new veins
to the ends of outstretched tips
moon’s hold starts to ebb

moon’s hold starts to ebb
the sun gives its warm embrace
the energy flows

the energy flows
slowly, life ebbs toward death
hope waits in the dark

hope waits in the dark
lifelines retire out of time,
still, latent, until…

What am I? Do you know? Comment below with your guess. The tags won’t help this time.

A Shi Rensa for this week’s Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge of EBB and Flow.

fall haiku challenge badge japanese maple with black and white background

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© 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.


Pray Good Sense – a Shi Rensa poem

Pray Good Sense




gulf storms and sea swells

waves ravage innocent sands

calm beauty returns


calm beauty returns

at the final gust of breath

the ear knows silence


the ear knows silence

and the roaring void is hope

the listless will stir


the listless will stir

when empty truths are laid bare

pray good sense prevails


Pray Good Sense Shi Rensa poem on image.



My Shi Rensa for my Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge. https://ronovanwrites.com/2020/09/28/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-325-calm-storm/.

To learn more about my poetry form please click HERE.

 © 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

Carving a Masterpiece- a Shi Rensa poem

clip these broken wings
to find a new way of flight
put your mind to work

put your mind to work
bringing art from cobwebbed wings
we carve through despair

we carve through despair
to discover a masterpiece
fly beyond limits

fly beyond limits
to create your own meanings
form fierce confidence

Poetry Lost Mind Image

Click HERE to learn about the new style I’ve created called Shi Rensa Haiku and how to write one, maybe even for the challenges.

My poem for my Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge. https://ronovanwrites.com/2020/09/14/ronovan-writes-weekly-haiku-poetry-prompt-challenge-323-clipwings/.

 © 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.