Carving a Masterpiece- a Shi Rensa poem

clip these broken wings
to find a new way of flight
put your mind to work

put your mind to work
bringing art from cobwebbed wings
we carve through despair

we carve through despair
to discover a masterpiece
fly beyond limits

fly beyond limits
to create your own meanings
form fierce confidence

Poetry Lost Mind Image

Click HERE to learn about the new style I’ve created called Shi Rensa Haiku and how to write one, maybe even for the challenges.

My poem for my Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge.

 © 2020 Ronovan Hester Copyright reserved. The author asserts his moral and legal rights over this work.

RonovanWrites #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge #219 CHARGE&Reason

Remember to come back and visit the comments section during the week for your fellow poets entries!

Haiku Poetry Prompt Writing Challenge Useful Links.
Thesaurus: Charge, Reason.


Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge Image 2016

The Guidelines are simple.

  1. Take the two words and write a Haiku. I use Haiku in English as my style, which is 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second, and 5 for the third, but you can use what you like. The link above has links within it to articles about how to write Haibun, Tanka, and even a new form I created called Freku. You can also do the 3/5/3 form if you likeinstead of the 5/7/5 that I usually use. Write, share, and have fun. For syllable help visit (You would be surprised at how many syllables some words actually have.)
  2. The two words can be used as you like. Words have different definitions and you can use the definitions you like. You can even use a synonym word as long as it does not change the meaning. Go to for Synonym help.
  3. Use the Tag of Ronovan Writes Haiku Challenge. This will help me find you in case you forget to ping back or leave your URL in the comments.
  4. Copy the link of your finished haiku URL  in a comment so we can all go and visit your site to see what you have done. You can do a ping back. What’s a ping back? Put the URL link in the address bar of this post, if you like, within your post. Your inclusion of the link encourages others to try the challenges out, be creative, and join a community to find friends and more followers (hopefully). I honestly gain nothing by more people visiting the post. I don’t have ads running I get paid for by your visit. Click HERE for a detailed article on Ping Backs.
  5. You may copy one of the badges/images appearing in this post below or above and place it on your site if you wish, most normally use it within their post. I am not saying you need to, but if you would like to do so then go ahead. It is simply my way of saying thank you for participating. I sometimes make custom images for the week, if time and health permits.
  6. The Challenge currently BEGINS at 8 AM EST (New York City time) on Mondays. And a DEADLINE is Noon EST (New York City time) on the Sunday following the Challenge Post release.

The Challenge Words!


Not sure how to write a Haiku? Click HERE for a quick How to write Haiku Poem in English Form with links to articles for other forms of Haiku.

Much Respect-Much Love




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Tea Cups.

Vast seas of colors

Filling cups of rippled waves,

The mind’s emptied dreams.

Tea Cups by Ronovan Hester.

Ronovan Hester is an author, with a debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in February 14, 2016. He shares his life on his blog His love of writing, authors and community through his online world has led to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge, Weekly Fiction Prompt Challenge, and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Free Your Mind by @FTThum

First this week is Florence T of Meanings and Musings with Free Your Mind. @FTThum Remember to click through and support her post by clicking LIKE on the original.

Spark the Imagination.

Inspire a child’s mind

To spark imagination,

Read a true classic.

Spark the Imagination Poem by Ronovan Hester

Ronovan Hester is an author, with a debut historical adventure novel Amber Wake: Gabriel Falling due out in February 14, 2016. He shares his life on his blog His love of writing, authors and community through his online world has led to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge, Weekly Fiction Prompt Challenge, and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Freedom by @SCVincent

Writing while young. (And any other time as well.)

I have recently begun encouraging young people to write. They should write about their now in order to later be able to write about what it was like then.

“Always write your ideas down however silly or trivial they might seem. Keep a notebook with you at all times.”

We try to recapture the feelings we had when we were a certain age or in a certain place, but we so often rarely achieve that goal. Staring at the sentences we don’t feel them. They describe everything but relay nothing of what they speak of. I believe this is the one thing that keeps writers from submitting their work and becoming published authors.

Great masterpieces have been set aside in spiral bound notebooks to collect yellowed pages and dust. All for the simple fact the writer did not feel what they wrote.

Oddly, they may have conveyed more than they realized. Even if not capturing the moment for themselves fully, to others the paint on the canvas is three dimensional with smells of the ocean and heat on their skin from the setting sun.

The problem is they have no confidence in what they have done.

“Encouraging young people to believe in themselves and find their own voice whether it’s through writing, drama or art is so important in giving young people a sense of self-worth.”

Starting early in a person’s creative life helps build a creative confidence. And I believe there is no such thing as failure in creativity. You have created something, even if not what you set out to create. How many times has what any of us begun ended up exactly as we had planned?

“It is really important that focusing on things such as spelling, punctuation, grammar and handwriting doesn’t inhibit the creative flow. When I was at school there was a huge focus on copying and testing and it put me off words and stories for years.”

Today’s education doesn’t encourage so much creativity as much as it does scores to be nations. “Our nation beat your nation.” It doesn’t matter what it is, each nation is in competition. Even our children have been drawn into it, and not for the better.

But I believe we should rid our children of a great deal of the restraints early on and give them the freedom to create. Show them how to trust who they are and what they are. Give them free rein to explore and express.

“Write because you love it and not because it is something that you think you should do. Always write about something or somebody you know about – something that you feel deeply and passionately about. Never try and force it.”

Michael Morpurgo quote image

Today’s quotes are from Michael Morpurgo, English author, poet, playwright, and librettist.

This has been part of Colleen’s, of SilverThreading, Writers’ Quote Wednesday blog share. Click the link to visit her quote for today, and join in.

Much Respect-Much Love



Ron_LWIRonovan is an author, and blogger who shares his life as an amnesiac and Chronic Pain sufferer though his blog His love of poetry, authors and community through his online world has lead to a growing Weekly Haiku Challenge and the creation of a site dedicated to book reviews, interviews and author resources known as

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Return to Focus: My Sunday Thought

This week’s Sunday Thought is going to be a little more direct in nature. I have strayed in recent months in my writing from what I most enjoy and have delved more into some serious and gray area topics. I think this is a reflection of my creative energy being low. I don’t talk about my low creative energy because people always say, “Oh, I’ve been through that.” No, they haven’t. Not in this way. I always have creative ideas going through this whacked out mind of mine, I just can’t physically do anything about it at times.

But I’m taking steps to get back there to where I belong. Baby steps, if you will. Today I wanted to talk about my faith. That’s what my Sunday Thoughts is supposed to be. Hang with me here as I talk about it.


I’ve been watching a lot of interviews on youtube of various types. For one, I used to be a huge wrestling fan, professional wrestling. I go back to the days of the old Memphis wrestling with Jerry “The King” Lawler and “Superstar” Bill Dundee. Don’t worry, this article isn’t about wrestling.

Watching these interviews of wrestlers telling the truth of how things were led me to two things. One was the wrestler Sting’s movie Moment of Truth about where at the height of his popularity and with his personal life in shambles he turned to God and became a Christian. The other thing I discovered was how incidents and even people are viewed so differently depending on the person telling the story and that you have to be careful of who you listen to for the truth because the most convincing ones can turn out to be the ones with the worst views and personal agendas in the telling.

Being led through all the chaos of professional wrestling to a Christianity movie was interesting. I knew Sting was a Christian. I also knew one thing, with the same information, can be interpreted two or more different ways depending on the interpreter. Somewhat confirming in many ways and refocusing for me.

I’ve been wondering about the purpose of my blog. I know it is to share my thoughts and creative output but we each have something about us we want to share. I tend to share everything. But it’s how we share that makes each of us different.

When I speak about being a Christian I can sense the wincing of some, the flinch here or there, and the shutting of doors in others. And I actually understand all of that. If I didn’t know me and had to go on most of the in-the-spotlight-Christians, I might do the same.

But my goal here in sharing my faith and how I present myself, although I don’t do it intentionally, is to show people what a Christian can be. Just another person who is like everyone else. A person with problems. A person who is not perfect, and doesn’t claim to be. A person who has ups and downs and way way lows.

A person who can lose focus and find it again. Also a person who sees people as people and nice people as people to be friends with, regardless of beliefs, locations, or lifestyles. A person who says here I am, here is what I believe, take it or leave it, but I’m not forcing myself or my beliefs on you. Be my friend if you like, just the way you are.

Not everyone understands a Christian can be like that. That in fact a Christian isn’t supposed to be a judger of others or a forcer of beliefs. In fact we are the last ones to be judgers and forcers if we follow the teachings of Jesus. Too bad not enough Christians do that.

But I get the extremist Christians’ point of view at times in feeling they have to get out and cause some noise. Every movement or cause does that. For some reason when it comes to Christians it’s seen as some vile hate thing. Okay, maybe it’s because some of those, okay one of those churches out there that likes to call itself a church protests funerals and goes against everything God says about Christian behavior.

Great way to get people to turn to God!

Notice I don’t mention their name. I don’t want to give their church site any traffic or have there name pop up on searches because of me anymore than they already do.

As you visit my site, I hope you find a person that is fair, friendly, welcoming, and loving to all who are nice to him. Be mean to me and I’ll ignore you. I’ve decided to refuse to waste the little physical and mental energy I have on mean people. I’m focusing on the positives of life. I think if we do that and build more and more positives, that some day we will overcome and overpower the negatives.

Emotionally, mentally you will get what you focus on. If you expect negatives you will see the negatives and ignore any positives. Focus on the positives that happen in your life. You will find the negative people in your life will find your positivity repulsive and slowly drift away. Then you will discover even less negative things are happening around you.

Well, that’s it for today. Returning my focus where it belongs. Now to see what comes out of that.

Mush Respect


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I ain’t lazy, maybe a little crazy. (A Poem.)

They call me insane for my constant author campaigns.
But who is to say someone else will come up with my way?
Look to the left and then to the right, then you might say who might be a might.
Set up the way for a better day to display what authors have to say.

Yes, I am crazy, but you can’t call me lazy.
I might be a bit touched, but who isn’t by much?
Would you rather not gather and foam at the mouth in a lather,
As you sit, and don’t hit, while your book don’t sell spit?

It’s not all on me, as you will see, you gotta make it be.
You will be a part, as I start, and leave a remark.
Don’t know what I’m talking about?
Listen up and you’ll hear people shout.



A new author support site I insanely created.


Let’s connect.






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A Brand New Day (A Poem)


It isn’t really a problem

This thing inside my head

Though others think it’s tragic

I look to it for creativity instead

I’ve learned how to write

About a person who needs love

When I already have friends

When push comes to shove

I’ve learned how to like

Some brand new things

Like cheeseburger pizzas

And BBQ flavored hot wings

But in truth

What it really has done

Has made out of me

A sensitive one

I know what is pain

I know what is loss

I know that things can happen

As quick as a coin toss

And through it all

Things end up okay

Because with each new dawn

I  have a brand new day



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Loving You


I think of you every minute of the day

Wishing and praying all your cares away

But I don’t always know what to say

So I spent the day

Loving you

Loving you


You know, sometimes you begin writing and things happen. I opened up the post this morning to write an article, ended up beginning a poem, a lyric poem, then as I went to the Chorus it occurred to me, what else is there to say? I think my message is clear. I think it is received. And love can be love as in friendship as well.

Sometimes we write and write because we lock ourselves into the constraints we see in place in a type of writing. Truly what you write is what you write and how you feel. What you end up with is the type of writing  you end up with. Criteria? Never do that to yourself. Write. Write from the heart and people will know. Write from a form or checklist and people will know.

Spend the day loving you and loving your talent.

Just as I will spend the day loving you.







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Be Gone and Be Well

I know the meaning of the words I write
What some give them seems so trite
My thoughts do roam around in my head
However my understanding is not dead


Are my words for someone I know
Or do they just go where they want to go
My mind may be one that becomes confuzzled
But for some others their reasoning I am befuddled


I cannot share my words in rhyme
Without facing anxieties time after time
Why do I not write poems with feelings
Because I am tired of questions and dealings


Gather from this that I am perfectly fine
I know what I know and I know what’s mine
Be on with the tiresome misinterpretations
Coincidences will only lead to creative constipations


Much Respect






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No Apologies Guilty Pleasure: Flowing my Emotions

There was a writing prompt on the Daily Post about, “What’s the one guilty pleasure you have that’s so good, you no longer feel guilty about it?”. It took a while because I don’t really have a lot of things I indulge in. My life is pretty simple in what I like and focus on.


But it occurred to me that there is one thing and that is letting my emotions and feelings flow in words. For a time I felt uncomfortable about what I was putting on the page because of what people might think, but in reality people think everything but just don’t like to acknowledge it. But I’ve come to embrace it. Those feelings and emotions make life out of life.


As a writer I think that I turned a corner when I embraced that guilty pleasure. Perhaps I am not a money making machine, but I am a satisfied word artist who when letting my mind and heart write together can turn a phrase that I never would have considered in the past.


In any form of writing the reader needs to feel your investment in the piece. I may obscure meaning when I write a poem or hide myself within a character but I know what is there and sometimes a person just clicks with it and they just say, “Yeah, that’s me.” I no longer use the word guilty with my emotional pleasures. They fuel my creativity.

Thank you to Active Army Wife for reminding me of the prompt as I read her guilty pleasure.c