10 Things Men Think Women Think They MUST Know About Men

1o Things Men Think Women Know About Me

A list of things about what I believe is an easy thing to do. I was challenged by Florence T. to come up with a list of things we think women know about us. I of course never back down from a writing challenge. And yes, ladies, challenge me if you will.

I enjoyed this moment to delve into what I think men might think about this. Being a man it should be easy, but y’all may understand why there may be difficulties at times. These are not what I specifically thing about each subject, but I think people get tired of hearing my personal thoughts about things like this. But without any further rambling and to do, in  no particular order but number so I will not get lost I give you . . .


10 Things Men Think Women Think They MUST Know About Men



What they MUST know:

We  ignore them EVERY time they talk unless the word SEX is mentioned.



We don’t ignore. We are simply selective in what we acknowledge in having heard. Society has given us a way out. We are portrayed as buffoons on TV and in movies. We do not like this image but if we must suffer through it, then we will take advantage of it. And no, SEX is not the ONLY thing we acknowledge, Hamburgers, Nachos, Tacos, Pizza, and Steak also are worthy. And even for some none of these words will work.


What they MUST know:

We  like women wearing tight fitting clothing or see through clothing.



There is a rare occasion that tight fitting clothing is something we prefer to see women in. I see women wearing things so tight that I wonder how blood circulates. Very few of them should have stepped out in this attire in the first place as the sizes are not only tight, but perhaps two sizes too small. As for the see through attire? We can see more going to a restaurant or walking through any Walmart. Style, grace, a nice fit, and something hinting at what is beneath are far more appealing.  Hinting by the nice fit and the moving of the body under the material.


What they MUST know:

We  are Cuddling Machines.




We are not Cuddling Machines. Yes we do like to snuggle and cuddle at times, but this is referring to the after SEX moments. For me it is a fortunate thing if the blood pressure is not so great that my arteries do not scream at me. Muscles are trembling and every part of my body is aching from use. It has been the most enjoyable and most excruciating 5 minutes of my life. I cannot cuddle.



What they MUST know:

We  want to be examples of perfect health.




We like salads. We like the grilled salmon over the fried oysters. Both of these statements are sometimes statements. As Cookie Monster says, “C is for Cookie and that’s good enough for me”. And to paraphrase what society has forced him to say, “Cauliflower is a sometimes food”. If you need more clarification please see the end of #1.



What they MUST know:

We  want our foods perfectly organized on our plates . . . not touching.



This is some myth taught in  a class we males were not included in. If the food isn’t touching that means there is less of it. In fact we like most of our foods to touch as they taste better together. If we go to an all you can eat buffet our plates are layered like lasagna and you may find lasagna under the fried chicken and the fresh yeasty rolls, if the popcorn shrimp isn’t hiding it.



What they MUST know:

We  don’t care about what softness of toilet tissue we end up with.



Just because you can’t see us cry in the bathroom, the one we have been exiled to while using the sandpaper that seems to only be in the exiled bathroom does not, mean we don’t care. Men do not walk the way we do because we have different equipment below the belt line. We are trying not to cause ourselves to cry in public. Now you know where John Travolta got the strut from in Saturday Night Fever.



What they MUST know:

We  enjoy practical gifts for every gift occasion.

man_with _hobbes.jpg



We want toys. I need not go into this one any further.




What they MUST know:

We  always want monkey SEX.



We are not that animalistic . . . all the time. There are those days when we have been thinking about you all day long . . . through the hours of sitting in traffic to get home . . . and we are animalistic, but sometimes we actually prefer the slow moments of the connecting gazes.



What they MUST know:

We  ALL know how to fix cars.



My father knew better than to let me near a car. He used me as the free tire rotating service growing up. That was my job every few months on a Saturday. I was ‘learning’ how to change a tire. No I was ‘being used’ for free labor. That is about as far as it goes. Yes I can put oil in, and various other fluids, and even change a battery if need be. I am sure if I really had to I could do much more, I am intelligent and can read and follow instructions. But it is not a born with gift.



What they MUST know:

We are all the jealous types.

Homey Don't Play That


This is a bit serious. There are some ladies that will intentionally draw attention in order to make their Significant One jealous. We know this. Here are the things to keep in mind when doing this. If you have friends that do this, let them know.

1) If you make the wrong Significant One jealous, violence will occur

2) If you want to play that game, some of us will let you play it alone




What they MUST know:

We don’t know how to use the washing machine.



You know guys go to college and do their own laundry and often times end up with a fiance. Then what happens? Marriage and suddenly the wife decides the husband does not know how to wash clothes. Now this is not one I believe there is a complaint about. But I am putting it on the list because it is one of those things women MUST think they know about men.


I know much of the above is perhaps just my own opinions and in truth you can even turn some of them around and change the genders, especially with #10. But I accepted the challenge and I put some thought into it. I like to be funny with these lists but I also like there to be truth in each number I give so we can all share and learn. And perhaps even learn we are wrong, both you and me.

Ladies, are there things you think you know and want to know the real deal? Message me here, or if you want go to my About page and use that form, or email me at ronovanwrites@gmail.com, or even DM me on twitter @RonovanWrites. I really do mean it.


For next week each day I think will take Florence T up on the second challenge she offered up.

“Or what could be a ‘perfect’ balance between two persons in a relationship..not talking about equality here… ‘balance’! Did I just take the humor out of your post? Oops! :)”-Florence T


Much Respect



2014 © Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com

My Response to the 10 Things Florence T. Wants.

Florence T. paid me a great compliment by doing her own “10 Things” on Friday. After having some fun answering my ‘10 Things I Just Need to Know About . . . Women‘ she came up with her own ‘10 Things I want to know…about men‘.

Here are my answers to those questions. If you want to know the questions then please visit Florence T and her article.



I love to cook so, let me see. Um . . . let’s see men like all balls of all colors. They even like smooth ones or fuzzy ones. If they see them they must have them. They are like a laser pointer to a cat.

FGLaserpointer.gifI said a CAT!





We like to watch other men with balls but we think we know about how to use them better than those who get paid for it.







Men just naturally want it long I guess. They like the way it feels and lays there enticingly.


(I just had to use this one. It might not be about the question but it is just so . . .  ow.)





I don’t mind a woman in control. She knows, so tell me what to do and where to go otherwise she gets frustrated and then there is no fun for anyone. But I know some men just don’t get it . . . even when told.







Hmm . . . one word . . .sex.


(Yeah, I changed the name of this one to “dog” slap in my files.)





We like it to feel good inside not just look good.







Maybe it has to do with answers to #1 and #2.







It is great four letter word. It’s one of my favorites too. And I am glad you think it’s sexy. I guess some men just think it’s just not a very masculine thing and other men would use it as a sign of weakness when applied.








I think you are right about this especially the anger and lust being the man ones. But answer #3 relates to this. If we used it any other way then we would be called that four letter word.







Yes. I think we would love to. Just putting it all out there for everyone to see would make everyone better off and make it a healthier world.




There you have it. Now go check out ‘10 things I want to know . . .about men‘ from Florence T.



Much Respect




2014 © Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com.

10 Things I Just Need to Know–About Women

Okay, so I’ve done a few articles and lists about men and our issues. Well today I’m going after the women. That’s right Female Focus Friday is doing just that Focusing on the Females.


Ladies here it is . . .


10 Things I Just Need to Know

 (Why do I start sounding like J Lo’s ex every time I say ‘I need to know”? You do know which of her ex’s I mean, right? Just sayin’. And oh yes, I did go there.)



Ladies why do you look better cross dressing than we do? You put on our dress shirts and . . . okay, I’m not really asking. I just wanted to, you know, okay, never mind, time to move on. (Stop looking at me like that, yes, the ears are burning red now.)





Ladies, why do you like dope so much? Yes, I said it. Dopamine is the chemical that chocolate releases in the brain. So what’s up with that, ladies?Woman_eating_chocolate





Why can’t you drink with your eyes open? Every time you take that first drink from a cup of coffee or tea you close your eyes. Is it concern over the contact lenses melting from the steam, or one might pop out and start floating?














Okay, Steven Tyler in the 70’s, okay, maybe the 80’s, sure. You hit the 90’s it’s getting close, then the 2000’s, umm. What’s up with the continued fascination with Steven Tyler? Mick Jagger and David Bowie had a love child? That whole Dancing in the Sheets song from Live Aid still has me confused. Wait, that was the song from Footloose . . . hmm . . .









From my understanding lipstick can pull out the pigment in your lips meaning they fade the color, but you use lipstick to give your lips color . . . and then they have the tattoo makeup procedures? I think I see a cycle here. Do any of you?





Why do you make men act so stooopid? I mean we fall in love, we get rid of all our friends, forget our mother’s birthdays to go to your friend’s baby shower, and then two weeks after we start dating, you say it’s over? Whipped boy say whut?




Miley Cyrus? Can you explain her to me, please?




I get it, high heels make your calves and butt look great, but why in the world put yourself through that? Why is there a big man at my door screaming through the window at me right now?

Screaming Man




David Beckham, Hugh Jackman, or Vin Diesel? I gotta know. (Comment below.)























I’m big, I’m cuddly. So why is it that Kevin James gets all the cute and cuddly and I don’t? I need to know!

Kevin_James.jpgRon Cover Shot













Check out Hilary’s answers back at me at Joy of Writing.


© Copyright-All rights reserved-RonovanWrites.wordpress.com.

10 Things: How to Avoid a Vasectomy

10 Things: How to Avoid a Vasectomy

 by: Ronovan

So men, she wants you snipped. You are thinking, “Uh uh”. Short of divorce or breaking up with said female desiring the snippage what are you going to do?


I came up with 10 things that will help. Some may only work if married because a wife by the point where a vasectomy is an issue is probably at the point of ‘whatever’ when it comes to things you do. Any ladies reading this know what I mean. (Men if your wife or girlfriend ‘likes’ this article, email me for other ideas.)

Man Grabbing Crotch In Pain

Some of these are just ways not to have sex and others are ways to make things stop before that “Gorilla Grunt” thing men do. Either way you don’t want to end up with the babies.



Whoopi Goldberg Naked

Whoopi Goldberg

I know it sounds desperate but in all honesty that’ll withdraw the cannons and the . . . umm . . . ammunition very quickly. There is a drawback to this method. Don’t use it too often or every time you start having sex you will start thinking about Whoopi Goldberg and eventually throw Ted Danson in there too. You’ll be impotent for the rest of your life. (Admittedly, in her early career Whoopi had it going on. Just saying.)




Not ignoring the back pain

This is simple and real one. For years you’ve fought through the pain because, well you know why. But now you have no choice but to admit the weakness. Again, don’t use this too often or you end up at the doctor’s office and going through MRIs and therapy sessions.



Not Bathing

gettyimages © Original Photo by RubberBall Productions
gettyimages © Original Photo by RubberBall Productions

This is the easiest for men to do. It’s a natural part of us not to want to bath. If not bathing is not something you want to go through, don’t use the deodorant. After one whiff of you she’ll never want another hamburger from McDonald’s again.




If you have children just remember how many sleepless nights you had and how many times you let that baby barf on you instead of spinning it around to face a room just so it wouldn’t get upset and the carpet didn’t have to be cleaned. What? Am I the only one that did that? There is no experience like the feel of barf on the neck and eyebrows. But the boy didn’t get very upset and he appreciates it now. (Note: This is one way the woman will get you to shower to overcome #8.)




Bringing out the Handcuffs and the Vaseline

Fur Handcuffs

Now for some this might actually backfire, so be careful. If you aren’t really certain then don’t do it. You decide which way would gross her out more; smearing on your own pale paste body or asking her to smear it on herself while you watch. The handcuffs are the scare tactic part to push her over the edge. Understand the downside of this though, she’s going to wonder one of two things; 1) you’ve been watching porn movies or 2) you have lost your freaking mind.


Now we enter the Desperate Zone.

Men, only do this if you are willing to live with the results. I will not be held responsible for any attorney’s fees, medical expenses or anything else that comes from these ideas. If explanations are really needed for each of these ideas then you may require some professional help. Just go ahead and have the Vasectomy along with the Psych Ward admittance. Two for one deals are popular even in hospitals these days.

Angry Woman


Telling Her Anything is Women’s Work

All men know what this does to a woman. If you don’t then you are a pig and jerk. (Sorry for diverting from the humor.)



Insulting her mother


Even if she doesn’t like her mother, always remember only she can insult her while you nod for support. You cannot start the insulting . . . unless it’s for very desperate reasons.



Discussing your Playboy subscription during Sunday School class at church or in front of any of her friends

 She may not even care that you have a subscription, but she doesn’t want everyone to know it. It makes her feel like either a) there is something wrong with her, or b) like you’re a complete jerk. We all know which one is true.


Talking about how hot her sister/cousin/best friend/or if your girlfriend her daughter is

 Woody Allen and Soon YiYeah . . . I think the picture speaks for itself on this one.



Calling her an ex-girlfriend’s name

 Unless you decide to always date women with the same name, you may end up slipping on this one anyway. But the use of this when the lights go out will result in instant celibacy.


I doubt there are any of my Friends reading this that would actually need to use any of these, but I hop you were entertained. And those ladies that may have actually read, men wouldn’t really do this . . . you think?


Much Respect


Copyright-All rights reserved-©RonovanWrites.wordpress.com-June 29, 2014.