To your whim. (A Poem)

Desire falls to whim

In a heart’s beat symphony

I am all with you.

Let’s connect.






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Wasted (A Poem)

Here I am
Sittin’ again
Lookin’ back on where I’ve

Wasted Mmmm
I’m Wasted
Without you
Without you

Soft pink lips
Dark smoke eyes
Callin’ my name
‘Cross turquoise skies

Southwest winds
Shoutin’ come on friend
I don’t know where you’ve

Wasted Mmmm
I’m Wasted
Without you
Without you

Takin’ a trip
Through a desperate mind
Seems so close
But like ten thousand miles

Tastin’ your heaven
Your velvet peach skin
Never had it once
Can’t wait for it again

Wasted Mmmm
I’m Wasted
Without you
Without you


A poem I found that I apparently wrote last week. Was on my computer with a date of last Tuesday. You guys know me, I forget things, but thought I would share it. Not sure about it though.

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Baby, I bleed you.

I say I believe you
You believe me too
I am a liar

You’ve done left me
I can’t leave you
Hangin’ on doorsteps
Dreamin’ of when we met
I can’t
You need too

Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, do I need you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, baby, I bleed you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, do I need you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, baby, I bleed you

Fakin’ on Sundays
Prayin’ for me days
I can’t say

Sweatin’ like July
Wonderin’ Lord oh why
Does this pain
Keep, thrillin’ me
I want it
It to be
You’re forgettin’ me

Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, do I need you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, baby, I bleed you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, do I need you
Why oh why, why oh why
Why oh why, baby, I bleed you



I found this scheduled for today. I don’t remember writing it but I looked and found it on my computer from about a week ago and must have put it here and scheduled it. Not my usual though. Amnesia and short term memory problems can really be a bear sometimes and freak you out.

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Lasting. (A Confession of Want.)

To my . . .

I never noticed before how exquisite it was, at least that is until I tried it with you. The way my tongue became more and more coated with every sliding over and around. Something so unique and one of a kind, truly like no other, so worth the waiting. Even as I closed my eyes the enjoyment spread through me. There was warmth only ylastingou could give me. I had little idea what had been in store for me as I stripped away your barriers. As I moved in, your scent brought those first reactions I could not control.

I thought my mouth would give out and lose strength but no, it would not betray me that way. With each moment the enjoyment built upon the last. Pleasure intensified. Again. Another. More. My lips covered, my tongue aching, but I cannot, do not want to stop. As long as you last, so will I.

With the greatest want,


ron-weird-letterbox - red

 Read what this post was about by clicking here.

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Pure Love

My Guest Lyric Poem on Hugh’s Views & News. Pure Love. Hang on to something. Think upbeat.

From the comments this is one of my best so far. Go check it out and see if Hugh’s Readers are right. Give me your feedback. Should I get someone to do some music for it?


Night Fails Me Again

Words picked at random end up evoking thoughts and imaginings that you never considered. Potential humor, societal commentary but love and desire? Those words never came to mind when I chose the prompts for the week. But then this is me. This is my mind and my imaginings and regardless of what may be the spark, the fire always seems to rage in the same direction, across the same landscape of the mind.

This was written for a special reason as I was thinking of something and the words wrote themselves. Though they did not end up in the home where they were written I wanted to share them as I thought they needed to be shared. I do hope you enjoy.

Much Respect


haiku love desire








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My Lips, Your Curves. A Haiku.

sensual poetry

Freedom for me is

My lips and your every curve,

Bring the greatest joy.

Ronovan Writes






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Dying More Every Day

I feel my lips 

Though you tell me

My heart keeps me

My hands impassioned


I can’t
Fight this
I don’t want to

You’re my
Heart beat
That brings me through


I feel your sighs

Causing tremblings

Desires keep finding

All my thoughts


Don’t fight
Give in
We’re meant to be

Don’t my
Last breaths
Tell you what you are to me


I feel my lips

My dreams
Keep drawing


How can
You live
Without me

As I
Lie here
Dying more every day

dying more everyday poem

Without you


Your lips upon my skin . . .





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Look what you’ve done to me, oh oh.

Look what you’ve done to me, oh oh.

(A lyric poem-I know there have been a few lately, but I have these songs going through my head. If I could only write music or play an instrument.)


Ahh Tell you I see you now, clearly in . . . my . . . eyes, for the very . . .  first . . .  time.

Can’t seem to find . . . my . . . rest cause now I’ve come . . . to know the best, oh oh.

Oh, what have you done to me.

Thrillin’ to my knees, with your hummin’ melodies.



What you’ve done to me.

I can’t stop it.

I can’t drop it.

I just gotta know once again and again.

Tell me it’s okay,  it’s not sin.

All my thoughts are crazy. Don’t know where to begin.

Rose Petals Falling - Copy (4)




Look what you’ve done . . . to . . . me, oh oh.

I once was man who could stand,

But now you’ve got me,

Got me on my knees, beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.

Done to me.

Done to me.

Got me on my knees beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.


Oh no! I don’t want it to end no no, oh no.

Never gonna stop, never gonna drop.

Gonna keep goin’ until this freakin’ world bangs bang  to an end

Blows up, and carries us away.

Rose Petals Falling - Copy (3)Look what you’ve done . . . to . . . me, oh oh.

I once was man who could stand,

But now you’ve got me,

Got me on my knees, beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.

Done to me.

Done to me.

Got me on my knees beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.




Don’t get me wrong, no no . . . oh no.

There is no wasted time, I’m glad to be a man, even when I can’t stand.

I love it when you got me beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please. Yeah!


I so want to lose control and let the lovin’ flow, oh oh.Rose Petals Falling - Copy (2)


Look what you’ve done . . . to . . . me, oh oh.

I once was man who could stand,

But now you’ve got me,

Got me on my knees, beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.

Done to me.

Done to me.

Got me on my knees beggin’, beggin’, beggin’ please.






PleaseRose Petals Falling - Copy




Beggin’Rose Petals Falling


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Would you . . .

The night is a brilliant body shimmering to attract the eye to its delights.

It pales compared to your skin, lit and covered only by window revealed moonlight.

Thoughts of gently touching you, and tracing your curves, every last one control my mind.

Would you be surprised as my lips flowed across your body to memorize every last detail I find?


Amber radiates with a warmth to the heart and holds the universes mysteries inside.

But it is like midnight beside your eyes as they hold mine enslaving me to a joy denied.

I see you looking into the distance as the light catches ever facet of every jewel and my breath stops.

Would you hide them if you knew my life revolves around their expression and if hurt my heart drops?


The ocean brings waves of  release at night as the moon glimmers over a never ending flowing life giving peace.

Your strands of silken splendor cause amnesia of all other flowing expanses as I long to feel them against my cheek.

Sensations of gentleness flowing down my skin shiver me to my very bone.

Would you blush at what thoughts you bring to this man who is yours alone?


Heavenly bodies span the skies to guide the world in its travels through time in a divine arrangement.

They are as easy as a child compared to your words flowing from a mind filling me with amazement.

Challenges to thought, perception, and the meanings of life and love are what you bring to me.

Would you be frightened to travel inside my mind for a brief moment to see what you have made me be?


RonovanMan in night surf


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You are my . . .

A poem of the Embracing a Wounded Soul site. As I completed it I noticed the shape and was pleased with how it turned out as I simplified my sentences.

I love . . . no regrets.

I love.

Magnolia Blossom.jpg
gettyimages © Original Photo by Diane MacDonald

Two little words of forever

Wrapped within walls so clever

Longing to be opened by your yes to sever


I love.

More than feelings of  a foolish mind

Thoughts shared of  a similar kind

Ignoring obstacles to enjoy the togetherness you find


I love.

Painful moments of distance felt

A smile of an image that pain it does melt

Mattering not in what realm that image does dwelt


I love.

More than feelings of skin on skin

Thoughts shared intertwining in more than sin

Ignoring obstacles just to hold the presence of you within


I love.

You have not found it yet

I say to you, you’ve met it I bet

Merely consider what it is you are willing to let


Four last words.


I love.


No regrets.



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oh my lover

Music TunesI don’t want to say your name

I don’t want to play your game

I feel a fool

Do you


Trouble before we start

Never can we part

But we do

We do


Never was I so into a woman like you


Never was I so in love like with you

Oh Never

Never was I meant to be but with you

Only you

Never will I be for anyone but . . . you

oh oh oh oh


Features blur in sight

I’m losing my might

So into you

Oh you


Let’s play the game

I’m slowly insane

So are you

We two


Never was I so into a woman like you

oh noo

Never was I so in love like with you

oh you

Never was I meant to be but with you

no no no nooo

Never will I be for anyone but . . . you

oh my lover


Keeper of the heart, keeps us apart . . . but I’m . . . in you . . .we two. oh my loverrrrr




Wicked Game by Chris Isaak was covered by Phillip Phillips a fellow Southern boy. I had the words flowing through my had being in a certain somewhat melancholy mood. Then I heard Phillips’ version. The tune and rhythm was it. If you you like you can click the link to get an idea of the sound.


Much Respect, Much Love, & Much Heartache



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Velvet kisses down your spineasian_woman_rose_petals

Halting breaths encourage me more

Your body quivers

As I glide to further explore


My hand in your hair

As my teeth take hold

Your hips begin to move

As I become more bold


Skin so soft to my touch

As my fingertips feel along delicately

My own voice sounds

And I become engulfed in waves of your sexuality


Your hips do move

My body does glide

With one swift move

I have arrived . . .



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Thoughts swirl without care

The days are long for me

The nights twice that

I attempt to never count

But without you it’s all that I have


No, please do not doubt

My love grows with each breath

I know I have your love

Not touching is what brings death


My mind is filled with confusion

Thoughts swirling without care

I grab for them, desperate

Relief in my thoughts I am aware


Give just one moment, please

Just a touch of heated skin

In these you filled moments

For you I will always give in


There is no worry about me

This world cannot take me away

I will hold out until at least one moment

When we kiss that can be that day


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My Thirst For You

An excerpt from a novel I am currently revising. The words are those of the leading man writing to the woman he loves during a low point.  I am finally embracing writing Romance and Love that I have been avoiding writing in novel form for so long. The book was written last year, but has been marinating since then. Now I am ready to make a go of it. Wish me well on this journey.



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My Desires: My Letter of Confession to . . .

I am a simple man. What I desire is obvious to anyone that wishes to discover.

What do I desire? I desire to be stimulated, mind over matter. Turn my mind on and you have me forever. Only turn my body on and have me for a few hours. I want to belong forever to . . .

What do I desire? I desire physical pleasure; a touch from love, a hand in mine that sends electricity through my body, a caress of my cheek that makes my body melt, a tender kiss that makes my body alive. I live because of . . .

What do I desire? I desire friendship far more than relationship. A friend understands, cares, is there, is honest, fights for you and with you if you are deserving of either. A friendship wants to be and does not have to be. I want to be wanted by . . .

What do I desire? I desire a tortured heart. A heart that has been destroyed and resurrected knows what love is. Some say you do not need to have been destroyed to know love. Perhaps, however for me I know what love is because I am destroyed every day. Every day that ends away from . . .

What do I desire? I desire that one person that I can never stop thinking about. At 2 AM my eyes open and a thought comes to mind and sleep is finished. Thoughts of the day ahead and the conversations I wish for play out in my mind. What will be today? I cannot stop thinking about  . . .

What do I desire? ‘What more could there be’ you might ask. Someone that consumes my mind, body, friendship, soul and thoughts is what I have shared, what is it I desire? What does all of this mean? You must know me well enough by now. You must know.

What one desire has not been revealed? The one I desire is . . .



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Takes Over

Takes Over


Soft fingertips play,

Gently along the spine,

Desire takes over.



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Man of few Words

Man of few Words


A man named Ego

Stood before the Queen

His arrogance of self

Bordered on the obscene


“You wish to be spared,

But what use are you to me?

What can be had from you

That all these others cannot be”


“I am a great man,

A man for all seasons

Name any one

I will give you the reasons”


“It is now Spring

What will you do now?”

“I will plant your fields richly

Without even using a plow.”


“What then of Summer

When the Spring will turn?”

“I will use my broad shoulders

To protect your tender skin from the sun’s burn.”


“And of the Fall?

When the sun is no more to do?”

“I will pick the rose petals

To accent the glow of your hue.”


“Then Winter will come

With no planting, sun nor rose,

That is when I will show you

This man Ego can melt . . . whatever is froze”


She saw the look in Ego’s eye and looked around.

Surrounded by the court each her subject,

Except for one who was visiting among them,

A man whose gaze upon her was never in neglect


He was a visiting Prince,

Who had come from a distance.

She looked at him,

His appreciative smile was of consistence.


“Prince I ask you,

What do you say to this,

These words of advice,

From this man Ego came hence?”


The Prince stood up,

And approached the queen.

“A lot of words spoken,

But very little to be seen.”


“You speak with a confidence,

Quite deep from the thoughts in your head.

What would you propose

If not his words instead?”


The Prince did not hesitate.

He embraced the Queen.

His lips pressed hers.

Their bodies with nothing between.


He leaned back and looked into her eyes

“Will that do my Queen . . .  instead?”

She pointed to Ego without a glance

Then said, “Off with that blathering fools head.”



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Bodies Another



Hearts pound heavily

In the night touching and spent

gettyimages_Meng Yiren _Moment_hands_intwined_in_bedCraving another





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